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Waking up from her lovely dream she rubs her face in her pillow.

Checking her phone she sees it was almost 12 at noon.

She had nothing to do that day. So she decides to work in her father's shop for the day.

Walking into her closet she comes out wearing

She heads out with her phone into her dad's shop

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She heads out with her phone into her dad's shop.

She walks around helping her father, cleaning the pots, shaping the plants.

But her father stopped her doing all that and kept her as the cashier.

She smiled at all the customers one by one.

Her phone suddenly beeps notifying a text.

She grabs her phone for a sec and sees the text.

Baron: where are you~~~

kimmy: at my dad's shop~~

Baron: oh okii~

She smiles putting her phone down continuing to serve the customers.

The shop empties since it was evening and kimmy got some time to herself since it was peaceful. Her past few days pretty chaotic.

The bells of the shop ring notifying a customer Has entered.

Kimmy looks up as a huge grin appears on her face seeing the pink haired man standing in front of her.

"Surpriiissseee" he says making kimmy chuckle.

"Seems like everyone is in a mood to surprise me today" kimmy says.

"Oh? Who else gave you a surprise??' he asks curiously.

Kimmy just smiles looking at the cash counter slightly raising her eyebrows.

" ooohh i see ma Kimmy's in looovvveee~~" he coos making kimmy chuckle again.

"Yah haha stop it" she says asking him why he was here.

"Can't i come to see my best friend?"

"Yes you can" she says smiling at him.

Their voices get interrupted when they hear the bells ring again meaning another customer has entered.

Kimmy sees two young boys walk up to the flowers and crush a daisy.


Kimmy and baron both were now walking to the boys with rage.

"What the hell do you think You're doing?!" kimmy says grabbing a guys collar.

This was a new side of kimmy... She never did this before.

"Oh did it hurt miss flowers? Well flowers are just lifeless pieces of junk i just came in here to feel a flower crush because i was a lil bored." the boy says mocking kimmy.

Kimmy raises her hand but gets stopped by the boy yanking her hand away.

"What the hell do you think your doing little lady it aint gon be good if you hit me" the boys laugh at kimmy.

Tears threaten to fall but kimmy held them back. Flowers were Kimmy's weakness. And a daisy? She would die just to save a daisy.

Baron steps in and whispers something in the boys ears as the boys looks terrified and walked out of the shop without saying anything else.

He looks at kimmy and immediately wraps his arms around her.

"It's okay kimkim.." he says calming her down.

She silently nods her head and walks out of the shop without saying anything else. She just wanted to go to bed and see her baby..

She needed nothing else but him right now...

She quickly walks home and goes to bed without even taking a shower or changing her clothes.

Due to the hug with baron she smelled a little like baron at the moment but she Didn't care. She just needed to see him.

Hola, 👆👆👆DrAmA.

Have fon mui children.

Mama lobs yu💓

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