Red Camellia

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Kimmy closes her eyes to sleep, drifting off to her dreams.


Kimmy opens her eyes in front of the garden doors.

But something was wrong...

She pushes the door open and walks in...

She sees everything is the same... But it's not the same...

Everything was normal but it did not give off the comfortable vibe anymore.

She walks around and sees the sky shade a light shade of grey...

The flowers were still...

No wind...

Everything was still...

She always felt comfort, joy, happiness

In this garden...

But now for the first time... She felt scared and uncomfortable.

Everything felt like only one thing...

Silence before the storm..

Gulping hard she walks inside the smaller section of the garden...

And gets broken to be once again be greeted by silence and discomfort.

She runs her eyes around the garden in search of him...

And soon finds him sitting on a small tool under a tree...

His back facing her....

She smiles a little and walks to him...

As close as she got...

She felt more and more....scared...

She was feeling hesitant for the very first time

gulps and takes a deep breath..

"D-daisy.." she says and gets silence as a reply...

She was scared...

She gathers all the courage she had and brings her hand closer to his shoulder...

She was just about to touch his shoulder when he turns around abruptly and grabs her wrist in a tight grip with one hand and grabbed her throat with the other...

She was numb, trembling and too scared to even make a sound...

His eyes held an animal like rage.. His face held anger..

The once kind and loving eyes of his were now anything but kind and loving..

His grip on her throat wasn't tight... He was holding himself back..

But it was obvious he wouldn't hold back for too long as he was tightening it each second...

"How could you.." he says through gritted teeth..

"You betrayer" he says increasing the pressure on her neck in a suffocating level..

She just stood there being choked... She Didn't say a word, she was only holding onto the hand he was using to choke her..

"HOW COULD YOU!" he screams at her...

Tears were blurring her eyes..

Her face turned red due to the intense pressure on her throat..



Kimmy screams as she wakes up..

Her chest was heaving up and down in a swift motion..

Her face was blood red, eyes almost bloodshot..

She grabs her throat scared as hell and winces feeling the pain of the pressure he had put..

What the hell just happened!

She was scared and confused...

Why was he so angry...

She chokes on her own breath when a thunderstorm starts outside..

She breaks down into sobs...

It was dark in her room.. It was raining outside..

She sits in her bed crying..

She was hurt...both physically and mentally...

It was a bad trauma...

She starts shivering and crying more as she remembered his angry eyes and how scared she was...

Why did he do that..

What did she do...

What did he mean by she betrayed him..

What did he mean by her being touched by someone....

She cries...

She Couldn't sleep at all..

She Didn't want to see him..

She Couldn't sleep...

She was scared,, so she decides to just not she can't see him..


Oooo, DrAmA

Hola mui children.

Mama still alive..

I lob yu all, Here's yo daily dose of shit...


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