"Reality is harsh
And dreams are soft."
And that is why reality is so harsh.
But what if you can make the reality soft, by embracing your dreams?
The Rose and The Daisy
Kimmy opens her eyes and finds herself resting her head on her desk beside the daisy plant. She stretches her body with a smile of satisfaction as she finally saw him.
She hugs herself tight as she can feel his scent more than usual today.
She looks around the room and sees lisa sleeping peacefully on her bed.... But her position... Was a bit uncomfortable as per kimmys opinion...
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She goes over to lisa chuckling at her silliness...
She shakes lisa trying to wake her up. "Lisa... Wake up sweetie..." but no response.
She rubs lisas belly and tries waking her up.
"Lisa.. Wake up" still no response..
She sighs in defeat and shakes her head but right at that moment an idea hits her.
"Lisa... Are you not gonna wake up..*weeps :p* f-fine.. I'll just leave.." just as she weeps lisa jumps up to stand straight.
"Ok I'm awake Don't cry ma bae! " she says and looks at kimmy.. But kimmy just looks up at lisa and smirks doing a dramatic hair flip like lisa.
"Works every time" kimny says and laughs her butt off.
Lisa just sits there dumbfounded.
"Ok then I'm goin back to sleep" Lisa says and fall back to bed.
"Yah! Don't make me hit you with my lion plushie!" Kimmy warns lisa one more time but no response.
That was it. She.lost.it.
She took her lion plushie and started hitting lisa on the butt continuously.
Lisa struggles for some time and then throws up her hands in defence.
"Ok! Ok I'm up ok? Stop hitting me!! >:"
Kimmy calms down and sits beside her. They maintain 2 minutes of straight silence.
2 Minute Later~
Kimmy looks at lisa. Lisa looks at Kimmy. They both burst into scary fits of chaotic laughter. Kimy laughs hugging her plushie as tears come of her eyes because of laughing.
"Oo la laa my kimkim is in a good mood today??" lisa says wiggling her eyebrows.
Soon they both freshen up and get ready for school together. Lisa wore Kimmys extra pair of uniform.
"Yah! You should eat less! Your uniform is so loose!!" Lisa says hitting kimmy on the arm.
"Excuse me miss skinny legs! You're the one who needs to eat more,, I'm perfectly fine! Not too fat, not too skinny, JUST FINE!" Kimmy says and grins evilly at Lisa.
"Yea yeah whatever!" Lisa says and lets it pass.
They both have their breakfast and head out for school.
Kimmy inhales the morning breeze and smiles relaxing herself.
They were about to cross a road when they see a bunch of nursery kids walking to school together. Kimmy UwUs her eyes out crying glitter seeing one of the cute girls among them has a daisy in her hair.
"Kimmy?kim?babe?? Earth to Kim Noora? Can you hear me?" Lisa snaps Kimmy out of her dream like state.
"Y-yeah?did you say something?" Kimmy says returning to her normal gaze.
" yep, what i wanted to say was I had sum work which i can't really do due to an important event... So could ya handle it for me...?" lisa says with glittery hope in her eyes.
"Yeah sure what is it?"
"It's a voluntary job in a nursery,, the teacher whose name is jisoo is sick so she needs help for one day,, could you do it? I mean they have their own flower garden as well!"
"Ya kidding me? Of course I'm goinggg!!!" Kimmy grins wide as ever and shows Lisa the Peace sign. . . . School ends and Kimmy returns home.
She has her dinner and heads for bed.
She waters Her daisy plant like always and goes to bed.
She closes her eyes drifting off to sleep...
She opens her eyes and gets inside the garden as always. She smile brightly following his scent into the smaller section of the garden.
She gets inside and looks for him.
She sees him reading a book his back facing her.
She gets closer and wraps her arms around his neck from behind.
He looks back and hugs her tight grinning widely.
"Babyyyyy" he says and showers her face with kisses.
Kimmy giggles and kisses his nose.
She then sits in between his legs as he hugs Her with his leg.
"So what are you reading baby daisy?" She asks looking at the book he was reading.
"Oh its a book named Blank Page.. It's about a girl who wakes up in another Girl's body and fixes her messed up life.." he explains and looks at kimmy.
She just sat there like an idiot and "Yeah yeah! I uh understood " she pretends to understand.
"I know you didn't understand hihihhihihi" he says and giggles burying his face in her hair holding her tight.
"So how are your days going?" he asks her resting his head on her shoulder.
"It's fine,, and I've been asked to volunteer at a nursery for a day.. The kids.. The just make me melt sooo much. " she says.
"Aaarrghh i wish i could come with you" he says and pouts.
"Me too.."
Wassup ma children,
I am su sick rn... I feel like i might pass out anytime.