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Days pass by and the day of her volunteering arrives.

She wakes up a few hours late because it was a weekend.

She runs to her closet hoping to find something pretty to wear.

Soon she finds herself the perfect dress for the day.

She smiles and just kisses the top of her daisy plant as she walks out with a smile

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She smiles and just kisses the top of her daisy plant as she walks out with a smile..

She takes her breakfast and heads out.

She was walking down the road when she spots two kids walking down the road holding hands..

She smiled as she remembered him saying he wanted to come too.

She continues her walking.

Soon she had to pass by a flower shop when she notices they sell daisies...

A second doesn't pass and now she was inside the shop buying daisies.

She bought a little head band made of daisies which she now wore... UwU

She walked down the road happily

She took the last turn and now was standing in front of the nursery.

She took a deep breath knocking on the door.

Time passes and no one opens the door...

She lifts her hand to knock again but suddenly a shady pink haired man opens the door.

He looked soo much like a flower....

He was wearing a white shirt which showed off his manly sweet curves

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He was wearing a white shirt which showed off his manly sweet curves.

Followed by a pair of blue jeans...

He was barefooted?-

"Yes?" he asks snapping her out of her thoughts leaving her flustered.

"Um... I was sent by Lalisa Manoban.. For volunteering... " she says avoiding eye contact.

"Oh sorry i Couldn't recognise you.. You must be miss Kim right?" he says smiling sweetly..

"Yeah.." she says giving a slight nod.

"Oh my- i kept you out for so long.. Do come in miss" he says apologising.

"Yah stop calling me miss.. Call me kimmy" she says. Now finally looking at him with a smile..

They head inside and kimmy almost cries glitters... When she... FREAKING SEES KIDS PLAYING IN THE NURSERY FLOWER GARDEN GJFDGTFVJFCHTDJH.

"So your work for today is to only look out for them so no one gets hurt.." he says with a smile..

"What should i uh.. Call you.." she asks shyly...

"Oh well you can call me baron.. Beeecccaaauuussseee that's my name :D" he says with a huge smile.

"Okay.." she says smiling back.

They both then sit down on the bench from where they can look out for the children.

"So do you always work here baron?"

"Nope I often volunteer at cute places where there are flowers everywhere..." he says with a grin.

kimmy snaps her head towards him.

"You love flowers?!" she asks.

"I lob dem deyre tu cute " he says in a cute dreamy way.

"Omgggggg me toooo"

"Oooohhhhhh lets be friendsss"

"Lets hang out from now on " she says excitedly.

He eagerly nods with a huge grin.


Soon she ends her job and heads home.

She hangs her new headband on her door.

She was tired.

She freshens up and heads for her daisy plant and does her daily daisy session.

She plops down on her bed letting the comfort of the soft blankets embrace her tired figure.

Wrapping herself in a blanket burrito she inhales his scent that was left by her body in the morning..

Almost all of her bed now smells like him..

She smiles hugging her small and tired figure to sleep.


Haelloooo my childrennn,,,

Sorry yo mama aka mui was pretty busy these days 😢.

Sorry fo da layte updayteeeee...

I lob yu all ma children.

See yaaa~~~

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