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Their are only 3-4 more chapters until this story is finished.
Thanks for all the support :)

Authors POV
Both Jimin and Jungkiok ignored each other the next morning but they ignored each other for different reasons. Jungkook knew Jimin was angry at him so he decided to distance himself while Jimin was in a very emotional state where he was afraid of saying something hurtful to Jungkook and breaking their friendship. As the day went by they continued to distance/ignore each other. The day went by slowly but finally it was night time. "He might come to my room again" Jimin says as he goes under his blanket. Although Jimin was trying to ignore Jungkook a part of him wanted Jungkook to burst inside his room and hug him. Jimin waited, and waited, and waited for awhile and before he knew it, the sun was up. "Jungkook didn't come" Jimin said sadly.
It's good he didn't come right?- Jimin thought.
Jimin looks at the time and sees that it was 6 in the morning. "I'm going for a walk" Jimin says getting up and changing. As Jimin was about to leave, Jungkook came out of his room. They both started at each other for a moment before Jungkook looked away. "I guess he doesn't really care" Jimin muttered to himself before exiting the house. What Jimin didn't know was that Jungkook cared a lot. Jungkook was stopping himself from going to Jimin and embracing him in his arms. "This is so frustrating" Jungkook says as he pours himself a glass of orange juice. Jungkook drinks all the orange juice in frustration. "And I don't even know what I did" I say trying to recall what happened that night. "All I remember is Jimin came and took me home" i groan.
"If only I knew what I did" I say before going to the living room and watching a show.

Jimin's POV
"He doesn't even care!" I say sitting down at a bench. I decided to take a walk so I could clear my head. "I should visit Tae and my Hyungs" I say as I recall how I shouted at them. I began to walk to Taes house since I was already near by. I arrive at Taes house sweating. I ring the doorbell and Tae opens the door. "Oh- JIMIN HI" Tae said enthusiastically giving me a hug. I began to feel guilty seeing how he wasn't mad at me. "come in!" Tae said pushing me inside his house. I walk inside the house to see all my hyungs in the living room talking. They all stopped talking as I entered the room. I thought they were mad but no they began to smile and run to give me a hug. "JIMIN! My sweet little baby" Jin says his eyes becoming glossy. I smile slightly seeing Tae and my hyungs. "um- hi" I say waving my hand slightly. "I-I wanted to apologize of how I acted the other day." I say lowing my eyes to the ground since I couldn't manage to make eye contact with them. "I-i hope you can forg-" before I could finish my sentence, Jhope gave me a hug. "We forgive you Jimin-ah" Jhope says. My smile faded "Jungkook always called me Jimin-ah" I whisper as my eyes fill with tears. They all looked at each other in panic not wanting me to go back to my emotional state. "You're just in time for breakfast come and eat" Jin says trying to change the subject. I wipe my tears away "Ok" I say sniffling a bit. We ate breakfast and Tae and my hyungs tried to make me laugh and smile which was difficult. After breakfast we all sat down in the living room. "Jimin may ask what Jungkook did to make you so.." Rm says his voice trailing off. Jin smacks Rm's thigh making a why'd you ask face.
My eyes became watery and I felt like crying. "I can tell you cause you're my friends" I say before telling them the story. After finished I chuckle at their expressions. "You guys look mad, sad, and surprised at the same time" I say with a smile. "So you didn't want to hurt him even though you like him" Suga asks. I nod. "You want to be with him but the way he acts makes you feel like he's playing with you?" Tae asks his face looking angry. I nod again. "where is this bitch" Jin says getting up before Rm pulled him back down. "It's fine, I just want to distance myself a bit" I say with a weak smile. Tae and my hyungs nod agreeing with my choice. "Well it's getting late so imma go home" I say looking at the time and realizing I've been at Taes house for almost 4 hours. I wave goodbye to Tae and my hyungs and start to drive back to my home.

Jungkooks POV
"Where is he!" I ask a bit annoyed. He hasn't been home for the past 4 hours and I'm starting to get worried. Again, even though I'm "ignoring" him, I stil don't want to loose him. Finally I hear a car drive into the driveway. "Thank god he's ok" I say before getting a glass of water. Jimin enters the house and I could feel him staring at me. I turn around to see Jimin smiling at me. I look at him confused.
First he's angry with me now he's happy WTF- I thought.
I put my glass down a bit to aggressively because it broke, spilling the water everywhere. Jimin flinches, a bit surprised. "Why are you smiling at me!" I say a bit angry. I could see shock fill Jimins face. "You've been angry at me and now suddenly you're smiling at me!" I yell even more upset. "HOW DO YOU THINK THIS MAKES ME FEEL!" I yell in frustration. "I don't know what I did to make you so emotional but you aren't the only one affected by your actions!" I say calming a bit down. I began to walk to my room when Jimin took my hand. "What do you want now Jimin!" I say desperately. Jimin began to speak, not making eye contact with me "yo-your hand is bleeding" he says in a soft voice. I look down to see Jimin holding my right hand that was now covered with blood. Jimin takes my hand and drags me to my room.

He sits me on my bed and grabs some medical supplies. "You should be more careful" Jimin says still not making eye contact with me. He began to take the shards of glass out of my hand and wipe the blood away. "you'll be ok now" Jimin says wrapping a bandage around my hand. He let go of my hand but I quickly hold his.
"What are you doing" Jimin asks lifting his head up so he could see me. Jimin face looked quite shock when he saw me smiling. "You're talking to me" I say with an even bigger smile.
Jimin looked at me before looking back down. His voice was quiet but I could hear what he said clearly. His words broke my heart.

"I-i want us to act like Strangers...

[Authors Note]
Again the last word is very important :)

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