Chapter 27

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Wang Yibo was hauled out of his memory land by his ringtone. He ambled inside to see who was calling him. Looking at the name, he glanced at the clock for the time. It hadn't been long since Chen Xiao left his house. Why was she calling again?

Sliding his finger on his phone, he received her call, "Hello" he greeted.

However, what he received in response was an utter silence. He panicked. "XiaoXiao, where are you?" he urged, but there was still no response.

"XiaoXiao, can you hear me? make a sound if you can hea—" Before he could finish his word he heard a sob, very distant... but very clear.

"Send me your location, I am coming." Wang Yibo did not request this time for he knew there was something wrong with Chen Xiao.

Although he did not receive any location, he still took his bike out and went in the direction of the hospital. Along the way, he did not find her and he ended up in front of the hospital. Parking his bike, he ran into the hospital to look for her. Yet, the moment he crossed the entrance of the hospital, and entered into the reception hall his steps faltered.

The person for whom he was running all the way till here was supporting a guy to walk. He saw the back of the person who was asking for his wishes this morning hugging someone else.

He smiled bitterly at what he saw in front of him and he recalled an incident where once upon a time his heart had felt the pang when he had seen his love hooking up with others soon after the confession.

He remembered the next day after Xiao Zhan's confession. Although he had let that person go, he hadn't expected that guy to really turn around and walk away from his life. When he had stepped into his classroom the next morning, he had habitually walked towards their seat. But the scene over there made him gasp. Xiao Zhan was actually sitting with a girl from Hao Xuan's class. She was the same girl with whom he once had a confrontation in front of everyone.

Their closeness brought some bizarre taste to his throat, and his heart had churned with a soreness. He couldn't apprehend its source at that time, but the sensation was weird. Turning around, he had taken his seat on the first bench.

The person he was once proud of knowing better than everyone, had showed him his place. The bet he had made with that girl that day, Xiao Zhan finally walked right into her life, choosing the path Wang Yibo was sure that his best friend would never walk on. Never in his life had he predicted something like this, that one day Xiao Zhan would ignore him and sit with a girl who insulted him once, and who laid a finger on their friendship. That day he finally braced himself for he knew that things were going to change from there onwards..

Wang Yibo did not know that fourteen years after that, he would feel somewhat same for someone else, that the person he was depending on to move on with his life would again choose someone else over him.

And without him actually knowing he was already in front of them. However, the moment he saw the guy's face, his thoughts faltered, and his mind went blank.

Dr Ji Xing

Chen Xiao's senior.

"Let me help him." He said before bending in front of the guy. However, Ji Xing clearly rejected the kind gesture of helping the person in need. He staggered away with Chen Xiao's help.

Wang Yibo, like a dejected puppy followed behind them. Asking Chen Xiao, "How did this happen?"

Chen Xiao replied, holding back her tears, "An accident."

Wang Yibo saw Chen Xiao struggling to support Ji Xing and couldn't help but to hiss at that surgeon's stubbornness. After a moment of tolerating the absurd, he said sternly, "Dr Ji Xing, the person you are putting your weight on is mine. I am giving you two options here. Either take help of me and I shall help you to her practice room. Otherwise, I will have no other option than to pick you up. You see, I cannot see my girlfriend struggling to support your heavy body."

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