Chapter 4

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The next day Barry, Mitch, and Joe got called to get to Dr. Harrison Wells' home, which was mysteriously attacked. Dr. Wells made it to his front door to greet Mitch and Joe and Barry. "Come in." Dr. Wells said smiling oddly. "Look, Joe. I apologize for all of this. It really feels like a case of so much for so little. The police should not have been called." Dr. Wells apologized, as he lead them to the room where Dr. Wells was supposedly attacked.
"This feels like more than just a prank, doctor." Joe mentioned. When they got to the crime scene, there was shattered glass all over the floor.
"Well, there are those who feel I did not suffer enough for the particle-accelerator explosion last year, and some of them act on it." Dr. Wells explained.
"Dr. Wells." said a female voice coming from another room. Caitlin frantically came rushing over to Dr. Wells side with Cisco following right behind her. "Dr. Wells, are you okay?" she asked out of concern.
"Dr. Snow, I'm fine." Dr. Wells replied. "A little chilly. Otherwise, I'm fine." Dr. Wells joked. "Hello, Cisco." he greeted Cisco. "Make yourselves at home as best you can. I'm gonna make a hotel reservation." Dr. Wells said strolling away goingon his phone.
"Yo, this place is so sick." Cisco whispered.
"Yeah," Barry said. "Hey, what took you guys so long?"
"We got lost." Cisco explained.
"We've never been here before." Caitlin said giving Barry a strange look.
"Really, never?" Barry asked.
"He tends to keep is private life private." Caitlin explained.
Barry, Mitch, and Joe got to work on Dr. Wells home. "I canvassed the street. No other reports of vandalism. No strange cars. Get this, Wells says he's right there when it happened. All that glass shattering down around him." Eddie explained. "He can't walk."
"And he didn't have a scratch on him." Joe answered.
"Here's what I don't understand," Mitch started. "If whoever was after him tried to kill him, why didn't he or she finish the job."
Mitch walked over to join Barry and Dr. Wells. Barry was piecing all of the broken glass that was all over the floor. When he was done, Dr. Wells was by Barry's side with Mitch with an untrustworthy look on his face towards Dr. Wells. "There's no point of impact. No rock or bat or any solid object went through these windows."
"So what the window shattered all on its own?" Mitch guessed.
"This wasn't some teenage prank." Barry told him.
"No, it wasn't." Dr. Wells said placing his hands in his lap.
Barry got up from bending his knees to stand up. "But you don't want our help. Why?" Barry asked supiciously.
"Because I already know who did this." Dr. Wells said. "Hartley Rathaway."
"Who is Hartley Rathaway?" Barry asked. Mitch looked at Dr. Wells with his eyebrows furrowed.
"Hartley Rathaway is the prodigal son." Dr. Wells said looking up at Barry. He turned his head towards Mitch. "And he has returned."
Barry looked at Dr. Wells still clueless as to who Hartley Rathaway was. Mitch wrote the name down in a pad of paper and still his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

Mitch Rapp's Mission to Central City Book 4: The Sound and The FuryWhere stories live. Discover now