Chapter 18

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Aeryn slammed the door shut, only to be stopped by Suzy's firm grip on the door.

"Get lost," Aeryn sneered. "I have no business with you."

Sehyun chuckled, amazed at how Aeryn continued to push the door shut against Suzy's inhumane strength. "Well," he started. "We have tons of business with you. And I suggest you hear us out. I'm willing to answer ten questions you might have."

Intrigued, Aeryn let go of the door. "What do you mean?"

"You've wasted your first question already," Sehyun said. "And I mean what I say. Always."

In the dead of night, Sehyun and Suzy threatened Aeryn to come with them with smiles on their faces. Though it did not do much to frighten the Captain of the White Crow, they managed to get her out of her room.

Sehyun said a variety of things that earned Suzy's raised brow and Aeryn's scoffs. "I'm this close to having you killed," or "I'm being so nice to you and you won't listen to me," were few of the things he stated to get Aeryn out of her room.

Sehyun led the way and Suzy held the caboose, watching Aeryn's every move and making sure she wouldn't run.

In the hallways lit by the lamp Sehyun held, every little noise would put Aeryn on edge. She couldn't stand not being in control of situations like this. It could very well end her life or something else along those lines.

And she was always cautious of noises in the dark. Always.

Fearful of asking and wasting questions, Aeryn merely followed Han and Aranaz to one of the castle's common rooms against her legs' will. Forcing every step, Aeryn couldn't help but scowl or groan every one in a while.

She needed some heap of control.

With the lamp's tiny light, all Aeryn could see was the elegant wooden table and the cushioned sofa Han told her to sit on.

"Ask away," Sehyun said as he fixed his position on his sofa. He asked Suzy to sit, but she didn't. "Suzy, there's nothing much to worry about. You detained her last time, so I don't see why you're concerned. Relax."

Aeryn Branche stiffened. This was precisely why she didn't want to meet Han or Aranaz. Both of them had overpowered her once and chose to let her go, and they were doing it again.

That duo was one not to be messed with. Han and Aranaz.

A small memory from her first encounter with them bugged at her. Wasn't there another member of their crew? She couldn't remember the name. Barty? Marty? Marlin? She couldn't place her finger on it and knew she wouldn't be able to recognize the original name, but she was sure it was either Marty or Barty.

Marty or Barty, the final member of their trio, had the best hair and looks out of the three of them despite being shorter than them. It was the type of face you would memorize to dream about later. The type of face that bugs you for being so...perfect.

Aeryn snuck a glance at Suzy. From the way her hand was curled, the auburn-haired captain couldn't help but wonder if Aranaz held a dagger.

It took Aeryn a moment to phrase a proper question. Though she had thought about Marty or Barty for the few seconds she'd been seated, she asked an odd question. One Sehyun Han couldn't predict. "Are you able to speak with ghosts?"

Sehyun smiled. It was a smile meant to hide other thoughts, other feelings. The hint of fear in his eyes spoke volumes louder than his fake smile. She'd only seen his fake smiles and expressions.

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