Chapter 26

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Here is the full version of Chapter 26.

"Aeryn," called Erel. "Where are you?"

Aeryn stumbled up the steps, emerging from the common room with a tipsy smile and a white blouse stained with wine. The auburn-haired captain searched for the siren with ferocious eyes despite her otherwise drunk steps.

Ignoring the woman in front of her with wet black hair, Aeryn leaned over the railing, scanning the water for Erel. "I'm here but I can't see you," she slurred.

Erel turned to tap Aeryn on the shoulder. "I'm here."

"Sure you are. You don't sound anything like Erel. Where's the orchestral, harmonic voice, huh? How dare you try and trick me--" Aeryn cut herself off when her eyes fell on Erel's hair, long enough to cover her bare body. "Have I summoned a demon by accident? I swear I wasn't reading the Latin book on my shelf."

"Aeryn dear, I have news to share, but to be greeted by such a terrible stench, I'm afraid I'll have to wait until you've sobered up." Erel sighed, holding her head in her hands.

"Uh-huh," Aeryn started. "I'm not drunk."

Erel shook her head, rolling her eyes. "I do believe clothes are in order, so would you be willing to share some of yours?"



Aeryn smiled. She tumbled past Erel, grabbing her hand and leading her to her room. "I have tons of clothes for you. Come see, you imposter. I'm being nice to you because you look like Erel." Aeryn gasped dramatically. "You haven't stolen her face have you?"

Erel shook her head once again. "I haven't stolen--"

Aeryn pulled out her pistol and pointed it at the woman. The wind blew her hair out of her face, revealing her right ear with a hole through it. A hole big enough for a bullet to fit through. It was a gift from Sehyun Han. She focused her dual coloured eyes on the woman, one hazel and the other a darker brown. "Where is she?"

Not knowing how to explain, her eyes fell on Prince Juele who'd covered his own and Brooks' eyes. A well-mannered young man, avoiding his gaze from falling on the former siren.

But too bad he wouldn't be able to assist her.


"Rolf Han and Aisha. Do you remember them? I told a story of them to you once."

"How do you know that?" The alcohol filtered out of her movements, out of her stance, leaving behind a perfectly steady form.

And a perfectly steady gun in her eroded hands. Her scar-bearing hands tightened around the gun, her finger just millimetres away from the trigger.

"Aeryn dear, it's me. I'm Erel. I changed a little--"

"A little?"

Aeryn paused at the shuffling behind her. Jules and Brooks left the docks, entering the dorms together.

"You have legs. Erel has a tail. You have a singular voice. Erel has an orchestral voice, projecting millions of sounds at me. You are human and she is a siren. You are not Erel."

"Aeryn, I swear."

Aeryn coughed, turning to lean over the railing. Then she puked into the sea, nearly dropping her pistol into the water. Erel patted her back, soothing the young woman.

The woman who didn't know what was coming to hit her.

Aeryn Branche, the captain oblivious to the threats coming her way.

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