Chapter One

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Four Months Later...

A soaking wet Doctor and Willow bounded into the TARDIS and shut the door tightly behind them. An ear piercing roar bellowed out of the tentacle covered monster as it rammed itself against the door with rage. 

Willow pressed herself against the door, her body bouncing back and forth as the large creature flung itself on the wood.

“You sure this thing’s gonna hold?” She shouted uneasily over another deafening roar.

“Of course it will,” the Doctor assured over his shoulder as he pressed buttons. “Nothing can get into the TARDIS except for us.”

He flicked a lever and the TARDIS shook violently. After a groan, she  took off, leaving the creature behind them on the alien planet.

“Good riddance,” Willow panted. She wrung out her sopping hair as she went to the Doctor’s side. 

“Oi! Don’t get water on her!” He scolded before stroking the console of the TARDIS like it was a puppy. 

Willow rolled her eyes. “I wouldn’t have had to if I knew we’d be getting chased by a Hydra!”

“A Sek, Willow, it was a Sek!”

“Sek, Hydra. Same difference! It got one head cut off, two replaced it!”

The Doctor smirked. “You should have seen your face when the Sek duplicated for the first time.”

He opened his eyes and mouth ridiculously wide, mimicking her.

Willow playfully shoved him. “I had every right to look like that!” she laughed and he soon joined in. 

“I’m gonna go shower off,” Willow said before sniffing. Her nose wrinkled. “I smell like fish.”

“Agreed,” the Doctor replied before narrowly dodging Willow’s jacket she had thrown at him. “What? It’s the truth!”

 Willow scoffed playfully before leaving the main deck and going into the infinite hallways. 

She counted the doors and hallways, attempting to recall where the bathroom was even though it was all in vain. She soon found herself lost in the winding corridors. After a few minutes of aimless searching, she eventually stumbled across a tiled bathroom. Willow looked up at the TARDIS’ ceiling with appreciation. 

“Thanks,” she whispered to the machine, knowing that the TARDIS had helped her find the room. 

The TARDIS whirred happily. 

Willow stepped inside and pulled a metal handle, turning the water on. She undressed and stepped inside of the rectangular glass box. The warm water immediately calmed her senses. She sat with her eyes closed, letting the water cover her skin and fog the crystalline glass. 

Willow was on the verge of dozing off, but a loud crashing noise snapped her out of her daze. The room jolted back and forth, each time a bit more violent than the last. 

Then, she heard the Doctor scream. Terribly.

Willow quickly snatched a towel and dried herself off before snatching up a clean pair of shorts and a sweater. She threw them on and sprinted around the hallways before finding the control deck of the TARDIS.

  “Doctor? What’s going on?” She yelled before stopping. She looked down at the ground and saw a pair of white converse lying on the floor stoically. Her face fell.

“Doctor?!” She cried, running to his side. She tapped the side of his face, but he didn’t respond. The Doctor was unconscious, and the room was still shaking. 

Willow stepped back, bunching her fingers through her damp curls. Her wide eyes flew around the room, trying to assess the situation. An envelope stuffed with something rested on the console. A message passed a small screen, looping itself over and over again. A strange helmet-like device hung from the TARDIS’ ceiling. 

Willow reached for the envelope. Suddenly, the TARDIS lurched, sending Willow flying to the other side of the room. As she attempted to stand, the TARDIS moved again, sending a small metal object hurtling her way. She dodged it, but wound up tripping and falling again. Her head was spinning from the initial impact, and she felt sick from the shaking. 

“D-Doctor…” she sputtered, stumbling onto the ground. 

Everything went black. 

A Man Named John Smith (10th Doctor x OC)Where stories live. Discover now