Chapter Fourteen

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The moment John walked into the apartment, Willow exited the bedroom, now wearing a casual floral chiffon dress that swished around her ankles. She wore minimal makeup and had pulled her hair into a messy bun. 

“No use getting changed now,” Willow said as she went to greet him. 

“What’s the occasion?” John asked after he gave her a kiss on the cheek. 

Willow shrugged as she pulled on a pair of sandals. “We’re going over to Jamie’s for dinner.” 

We?” he repeated. 

“Yes,” she said, tightening the laces to her boot. “No way in hell I’m going there by myself.”

John smirked playfully. “You really don’t like that lady.”

“Not. At. All,” she shot back. 

“Well,” he started. “Can she even cook?”

Willow shrugged and tilted her head to the container of tarts. “She made those.”

“Hm,” John murmured, opening the lid and taking a bite of one. He raised his eyebrows. “Not bad.”

“Well that settles it,” Willow said, grabbing his hand. “Even though I deeply dislike that woman, I will still be the recipient of good food.”


“So glad both of you could come over,” Jamie said as she poured white wine into John and Willow’s glasses. 

She glanced at John, then at the glass. It seemed to her that she was the only one who knew she was one year under age. Well, five months underaged. 

I’ve done worse, she thought before taking a swig. “We weren’t doing anything this evening anyway,” John said, only half serious. He caught Willow’s eye, and they both shared a smile. 

 The oven let out a beep, and Jamie went into the kitchen. “The food’s ready. I hope you like chicken marsala.”

She returned with a silver skillet full of mushrooms and chicken in a creamy looking sauce. 

“Looks delicious,” Scott said, kissing his wife in a strange fashion.

Willow almost unironically gagged at them, but John gave her a look. 

After they were served, Jamie finally took a seat next to Scott. 

“So, what do you do for a living?” John asked, attempting conversation. 

Scott swallowed a piece of mushroom. “I work in the maintenance field,” he said. “You?”

“I’m a nurse practitioner,” John replied. 

“Tough work?” 

John gave a small shrug. “I enjoy it.”

Scott nodded. “What about you?”

Willow looked up, not realizing that she’d zoned off. “I… I don’t work,” she said. “Kind of too busy to do that.”

“Too busy? Doing what?” John asked her with a quizzical expression. 

Willow’s eyes widened as she caught what she’d just said. She bit her lip before saying, “Nothing. Nothing at all.”

“I volunteer at animal shelters, but besides that I don’t work either,” Jamie said, stepping in. For the first time, Willow was thankful for it. “I like studying phenomenons, though. That’s why I’d asked you, Willow, earlier…”

Yeah, I remember.” Willow pursed her lips. 

They ate and spoke for quite some time, and much to Willow’s surprise, she found herself enjoying the night. 

Jamie wasn’t as much of an annoyance as she thought, just a little passionate, was all. Scott seemed like a mild mannered guy. He didn’t speak much, but whenever he did, he always had something interesting or fun to say.

Two hours later, John and Willow entered their apartment with full stomachs and big smiles on either of their faces. 

“Now that wasn’t bad, was it?” John asked, tapping her elbow with his own. 

Willow lifted her chin. “It was alright,” she gave him a smile. “You made it a hell of a lot better though.”

“I have that effect on people,” he murmured, wrapping her in his arms and kissing her. Willow hummed with satisfaction and kissed him back. They stood there for a while, tracing their lips across the others, letting their noses nuzzle against each other. 

“I love you,” John whispered. 

Willow smiled and closed her eyes, savoring the way he held her. She let out a small giggle when he lifted her up and carried her around, kissing her lips as he did so. Willow wrapped her legs around his torso and rested her head on his neck. Being there almost made her feel she was meant to be with John… forever.

A Man Named John Smith (10th Doctor x OC)Where stories live. Discover now