Chapter Eighteen

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Willow woke up sitting in a black room. She went to lift her hand, but her arms and legs were restricted by an expertly tied rope.

She blinked herself awake and surveyed the room. Her eyes shifted to movement in the corner of the room where someone sat on a chair, untied.

"Please help me!" Willow cried, feigning innocence in a terrified voice. "I don't know where I am!"

"You're very close to the Doctor, aren't you?" the man's voice rumbled.

"Who's the Doctor? Where am I?" Willow said, dramatically sobbing. The person cocked their head like they considered her pleads.

"Don't play dumb, Willow Watterson. I don't like it when people play dumb." She heard the sound of a sharpened knife cutting through the air menacingly.

"Shit," Willow said through clenched teeth, dropping her act. "The Doctor told me about you outer space cunts."

"Somebody's cranky," the figure said, flicking a light switch.

"Somebody needs to shut up." Willow narrowed her eyes as they adjusted to the sudden light. She could now see that it was Scott.

"You're in on this too?" Willow said with a disappointed sigh.

Scott stood from where he was and bent down to her height. "So you're the Doctor's companion."

"Does that surprise you?" Willow spat, keeping up her tough girl act.

He gave a nonchalant shrug as he reached out and patted her head. "They keep getting younger and younger."

"Eat shit, Scott," Willow said, glaring daggers into his head. "If that's even your real name."

"It is," he said, pacing around her like a shark circling its prey. "Jamie and I are hunters. Intergalactic hunters. We hunt things for cash and trust me, when someone wants something real bad, they pay well."

"If you think I care about your stupid backstory, then you're sadly mistaken," Willow growled.

"Shut up, child, and let me speak." He stooped down again and spoke in a simplified manner like she was five. "Your little friend is a Time Lord, meaning he is extremely rare. Last of his kind, in fact. We've got hundreds of people across the galaxy that are willing to pay billions for his hide. You see, your friend's genes give him the ability to change and heal if he is about to die. There are tons of people who would give anything to do that. The problem is that we've got a deadline, and if we don't get it, we'll be put off." He mimed a slicing motion around his neck.

"When is your prize due?" Willow inquired.

Scott itched his beard. "Today."

"Of course, now that we have the watch, this should be fairly simple," Scott said, standing up. "Unfortunately, we have a teeny tiny problem. He doesn't have his Time Lord consciousness in his meat suit, it's in that fob watch. That my friend, is very important. See, we can't just take the watch and get the cash. We have to put his consciousness back and drain every ounce of Time Lord from his body so that everyone can get a tiny bit of 'em. That's where you come in."

Willow's eyes widened when she realized that she couldn't feel the lump in her back pocket. The watch was no longer there. "I'm bait."

"Indeed you are, darling," Scott said. "When Mister John Smith comes home and his precious girlfriend is missing, he'll ask his trusted neighbors. We'll open the watch and bang, it's hunting time."

"You would commit genocide for money?" Willow asked with a snarl.

Scott gave her a sad pout. "I would, but if it makes you feel better, I'd feel a tiny bit sad doing it."

He sneered at her and turned around, leaving her alone in the room.

"You can't do this!" Willow screamed, kicking the wooden legs of the chair.

"Oh but I can," Scott shouted back. His voice lowered as it addressed someone else. "Look after her."

The sound of footsteps and a door closing sounded after this. Another set of feet made their way to where Willow resided. It was Jamie.

"What do you want?" Willow snapped.

Jamie crossed her arms and leaned against the doorway.

"You know, I really hated your guts when I first met you," Willow continued, not giving her a chance to reply. "Like, properly hated you. You knew how to get on every single one of my nerves, but I soon started to enjoy your company. You were kind and weird, and for a moment I really thought I could have another friend. Never thought you'd be such a bitch in the end."

Jamie shot her a glare that was happily returned.

"So it's all a lie," Willow said with an angry sneer. "You and Scott."

"No, we're actually married," Jamie finally responded.

"It can speak!" Willow replied, feigning surprise. "How did you know about John and I?"

"I overheard you when you spoke to that man, Jack or whatever. Everything from the fob watch to the... argument."

"Great, you know about my little crush," Willow scoffed.

"I pity you," Jamie said, looking to the side.

Willow raised her eyebrows. "You pity me?"

"You're a nice person. The Doctor will be missing out."

"I don't want your sympathy."

"Actually, I was disappointed that it was you who was his companion. If you weren't, I'd have most definitely been an accomplice of yours."

Willow shook her head. "What the hell do I say to that? Do you wanna make freakin' friendship bracelets and sing kumbaya around a fire?"

Jamie said nothing and instead angled her attention to the sound of Scott returning from wherever he'd been. She quickly left the room soon after.

"Good talk," Willow said aloud, still trying to be brave. Inside, she was terrified that John would walk through those doors at any moment, commencing the hunt for the Doctor.

A Man Named John Smith (10th Doctor x OC)Where stories live. Discover now