Chapter 5 The eye

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Souls POV
"Hey Kidd did you hear about me and Maka finally tied the knot hu" I said as I hit him on the arm.
"Yeah, I'm so happy for you" Kidd said with I don't really want to hear this right now voice.
"Hey is something biting at you right now" I asked.
"Now that you said something Soul haha" he said with a creepy voice.
" I have loved Maka and now you are in the way I'll take care of that" He said with a knife at hand.
"What is with you" I asked then I saw his eye and it was half pink and black.
Kidd charged at me with the knife. I dodged it easy, but I did not want to hurt Kidd so all I did was dodge his attacks. Then I got trapped against the wall I was stuck he was charging at me with his knife when Maka came in front she was unconscious so she could call out her weapon form to protect me. Then she gained conscious and kicked Kidd away from me and for the first time she was the one asking if I was ok. I said a soft yes and got up and told her to look at Kidd's left eye.
"Soul she looked scared and fell to the ground that's the eye you had when you attacked me in my dream" she was crying and I tried to comfort her, but Kidd came rushing after me and I blocked his knife with my scythe arm and I pushed him away.
"You made a girl cry not cool Kidd" I said as I got up and my arm still in scythe form. He didn't speak he just attacked me over and over again. And I decided I had to knock him out so I could help Maka. So on his last hit I knocked him out cold and I carried Maka bridal style to the motorcycle and held her in front while I drove home. Kidd was put in the dungeon in the DWMA to be asked questions.
"Maka.....Maka....wake up" I yelled in her ear. Then I saw blood on her arm it was cut again but a little deeper this time. Damn it it's happening again I thought in my head. I quickly woke her up and cleaned up the blood and told her to be careful of her emotions before she sleeps. I knew she could not help it just cause of Kidd she was scared like really scared.
"I'm going to sleep with you tonight ok" I told hrs all she did was shake her head yes. So we went to her room and she slowly closed her eyes. She was crying inherent dream which got me scared but then a smiled formed on her face. Then I reassured she was ok in her dream.
"Maka Albarn I love you" I said quietly the she smiled in response and I gave my signature smirk to her.
" I got the wildest girlfriend ever I love you Maka thank you for not comparing me to my horrible family when I met you" I said with a smile as I gently slept for a hour and then woke up to check on Maka while she was sleeping.
~~~~~~~Next day~~~~~~~
Everyone was worried about Kidd no one knew what happened to him. Also what was with his eye his left eye was not the lemon yellow and he was so anger. Everyone was worried about him seeing how he attacked me and was going to kill me. I've would have died if it was not for Maka and her being half weapon and everything.
"Soul can I ask you a question" Maka asked.
"Yeah what is it" I asked.
"Well, can we go visit Kidd I am worried about him" she asked with concern in her eyes.
"Yeah, Maka we can go see him if you want" I answered.
"Thanks you Soul" I said as she hugged me.
"No problem I worried about him too" I said looking at the floor.
We were at the door when Maka said Kidd's name.
"Kidd are you there" she asked.
"M...Maka is that you" Kidd asked.
"Yeah are you ok why did you attack Soul" she asked.
"I don't know Maka what's going on why am I in the dungeon" he asked scared.
"You attacked Soul Kidd and they did not know what you would do next it was so hard for Lord Death to put you in here" she said as calmly as she could.
"Father put me in here how could he" he asked.
"Well he was afraid of what you would do next" she said.
"There is a little window that I can see you through" he said.
I grabbed her shoulder before she could open it. I shook my head no cause I knew she would freak out over the eye and then she backed away from the window.
"Hey Maka are you going open it so that I can see you" he asked.
" I don't think that would be a good idea" she said I grabbed her hand.
"Oh I see so you are going off of what Soul said hu" he said, but that was not Kidd's voice.
"HI SOUL" he said loudly.
"What are you talking about Kidd, Souls not here" I said trying to convene him.
"Oh REALLY then why are you hold his hand Maka, you are now holding it tighter" he said.
I pulled Maka behind me and I was still holding her hand.
"You are trying to guard her hu Soul" Kidd said looking at the wall.
"Kidd stop you are scaring her" I said.
"There's your voice finally I have heard it" Kidd said.
"Kidd stop your going to make Maka cry" I said through the door.
"Let her cry then she has you doesn't she" he said now Maka has started to cry damn it now she is crying we are not going to stay here. I pulled Maka to leave and then I heard a voice it was Kidd's I told Maka to stay right here we were almost out of the dungeon. I walked over to Kidd he was crying.
"Soul I am sorry I don't know what is happening to me, but can you promise me something?" He asked in his normal voice.
"Yeah, but it depends what it is" I said.
"Well will you promise me that if I get out and I am going crazy get Maka as far away me as you can cause what ever is happening to me now what's me to kill Maka and you" he said with concern.
"Yeah I can do that" I said.
"Thank you now get out of here it is happening again and don't tell Maka we know what's she will do" he said.
"Yeah thanks y.." I said and then I was stopped.
"GO RUN SOUL" he said with concern.
I nodded and ran to Maka. She asked what did he say.
"He just kept yelling at me" I lied remembering what Kidd said before he was about to go crazy again.

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