Chapter 9 The escape

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Kidd's POV:
I'm happy that I am in this cell I can't hurt any one while I am here. No one will get hurt that's good that's all I care about I will not hurt anyone anymore.
"What are u doing why am I moving" I asked Yoko
"Because I breaking u out" she said with laughter
"No leave me here I don't want to leave" i pleated
"No like i said u are going to kill Maka and soul" she said with even more laughter. And with that I broke the cell bars as if they were play dough.
"KID KEEP IT DOWN I. THERE" I YELLED with that he heard a scream and unlocked the door and Kid was gone.
Maka POV
"Soul hurry they are about to leave to the camp" I yelled to my sleepy partner
"I'm coming hold on" Soul yelled
~at the camp~
"You know that Maka girl and her partner soul have been following us right" Sofia stated to her mister Daniela.
"Yeah I know but I want them to follow us we are up against a witch u know" Daniela stated.
"We will soon come in contact with them soon enough now let's get ready to go" Daniela said.
"A katana mister against a power full witch I'm sure we can win" Sofia stated proudly.
"Yeah yeah hey let's get going and act like u can't hear them ok" Daniela said quietly.
"K" Sofia said quietly.
Maka POV
"Soul they are leaving" I yelled.
"Shhh seriously I know I can see they are moving on the screen" as soul points to the red dot moving away from them "how much louder can u be" soul asked.
"Sorry I didn't mean to" I apologized.
"Fine let head out" Soul said.
"K" I said as she hopped on the bike and soul turned on the engine. They have been driving for 3 hours now good thing they ate before they left.
"Hey soul" I said.
"Yeah what's up" soul asked
"What...if what happened in my dream comes true" I asked
"Maka that won't happen so don't worry about it ok" Soul said trying to comfort her.
Souls POV
What if that does happen what if I try to kill Maka. No no I won't let that stupid witch try to take over me I will not hurt Maka, but it still lies on the table 'what if '.
"Maka" I said quietly
"Yeah" Maka asked.
"If I do come after u promise u will run and not stay" I asked her.
"No I can.."
"MAKA I'm serious I don't want to hurt u and I don't want to kill the one that I love ok" I said looking at the road trying to hold back the tears.
"I can't promise but if it does happen then I will run but u have to promise me something in return, if I die do not....DONT BLAME UR SELF FOR IT" Maka said almost screaming at me.
"I can't promise that either but we will live on right we will live on together" I said comforting her then I felt her grip get tighter around my waist I smiled and thought about her the entire ride.
~2 hours later🕛‼️~
"Omg how much longer are we going to drive" I said almost screaming but I didn't scream.
"Hey the dog is stopping at this hotel" Maka stated and showed me the screen.
"Fucking time they stopped" I said.
"Soul language" she yelled.
"Oh sorry" I apologized.
"Let's check in "I said trying to cover up what I just did.
We walked inside and checked in and then in front of me was the team that we were following checking in. I tried to be cool and not shake....
"Hey soul how's has it been following us"
"Oh shit they knew"

Hey guys sorry for not updating in a while 😅 I was just think and then I had school so yeah...... Hoped u like it this is for u fairygames and fanfictionlovergirl hahaha u guys will show up in chapter 10

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