Chapter 6: The Witch

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Maka POV
Kidd's been in the dungeon for 1 week and Soul said I should not see him anymore now he wants to kill me now along with him. What is happening to you Kidd why are wanting to kill us and why do you have the eye from my dream.
Kidd POV
"Kidd you want to kill Maka and Soul don't you"
"No shut up I am tired of hearing your voice leave me alone" Kidd said in his head.
"No Maka can make her own choices I'm not her parent I am her friend" Kidd said.
"Just kill soul and kill her I know you want to"
"No who are you leave me alone get out of my head and how dare you make me asymmetrical" Kidd said
"Who am I hahahahahah I am a Witch"
"What's your name so I can kill you when I come to my senses" Kidd asked.
"I am witch Yoko" Yoko said
"Now I know the name of the next witch I will kill" Kidd said.
"Just try it I am why stronger than any witch you seen so far in life" Yoko said with power.
"I will never hurt my friends no matter what you do" Kidd said fighting back.
"I control your every movement Kidd so don't think I won't make you kill your self without a moment of hesitation" Yoko said.
Souls POV
Kidd what is with you the real you would never think about hurting me or Maka. I wish Maka could see you but I don't want her to get hurt by you. I still am wondering about the eye though.
~~~~~~At the library~~~~~~~~
Maybe I can find something in here about that eye. Where do I start though ugh this might be harder than I thought. I looked through so many books I have never looked at this many books in my entire life. Ugh this is so har.. wait what this. I looked at the cover and is had picture of eyes and that's when I saw it the pink and black mixed eye. I grabbed the book and checked it out and went home and started to read the book. Then it mentioned something about a pink and black eye combined. I read it and i mentioned mind control from a witch. Mainly found with the eye is a witch know for mind control her name is Yoko. I was so tried and was so sleepy. I can't go to sleep I have to check on Maka I walked over to her room and opened the door. She was reading on her bed with a huge book on her knees.
"Hey bookworm whatcha reading" I asked.
" War'n peace" she said I looked at the huge book and nearly fainted I read 15 books and I am tried she is reading a 450 page book and not even tired.
"Why don't you take a break and come watch a movie with me" I asked.
"Sure what movie" she asked.
"Umm how about Despicable Me 2" I asked.
"Yes I love that movie" she said with joy I smiled.
We laugh our butts off a night. When the movie was done we kept saying what was funny in the movie. Then we went to bed laughing still at the movie. Maka went to bed with a smile on her face. I could not decide if I should tell her what I found about the eye. I could not sleep that night and I didn't sleep last night at all.

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