Chatper 4 The dreams

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Maka's POV
I'm not having bad dreams now and my cut on my arm is gone now. Still the wound on my stomach is still there but it doesn't hurt any more. Something doesn't feel right though I don't know what it is though it just keeps showing up in my head it is getting a little annoying.
"Makaa" Soul said.
"You are going to fall of the motorcyclevif you don't hold on you know you been spacing out a lot are ok" Soul stated laughter.
" Yeah I been thinking a lot though" I said.
" Maka I love you" Soul said with passion.
"I love you too no matter what happens ok" I said as I held him tight so I would not fall off.
"Well what is our mission today" Soul asked.
" His name is Jack the Ripper" I said still thinking as I held soul I could feel his scar from Crona.
"Soul can I ask you a question" I asked.
"Yeah what's the question" Soul asked.
"Well, why do you like me why not Liz,Patti, or Tsubaki all of them have way bigger chest then me" I asked and waited.
" Maka that was a stupid question the shape and form doesn't matter it is the soul that matters" He said with happiness in his voice. "And you have the nicest soul I can't see souls, but I know yours is kind and sweet". Then he smiled at me making me blush a little.
I smiled and said in my head Thank you Soul. I am dating my partner wow when did I think this day would come.
"Maka now can I ask you a question" Soul asked
"Yeah what is it" I asked.
"Why did you chose me and not Kidd" He asked.
"Well Kidd was nice and all, but he put no thrill in anything I know he likes me and all, but I love you not him Soul" I said and I hugged him tighter.
"Thanks Maka" Soul said.
"We are here" I said
"Ready" Soul asked.
"Yeah" I said.
Souls POV
We won the fight easy. When we got home we sat and at dinner I made it I made pasta.
"Was that 98 or 99" I asked Maka she usually remember things better than me.
" That was 89 Soul" she said as she giggled at me.
"Opps I forgot" I said how's dinner I said trying to cover up my mistake.
"Good" she said.
"No bad dreams right" I asked.
"Nope perfect" Maka said.
After dinner me and Maka went to our rooms to change. When Maka came out in a tank top and shorts I had a little nose bleed Maka saw it and giggled. I wiped it quickly and blushed and sat on the couch and we talked a little.
"Hey, soul thank you for being my weapon partner" she said as she blushed.
"Thanks for being my miester partner" I said and kissed her.
When we finished i went into her room and sat on the bed to watch her sleep. She was so cute when she was sleeping and I played with her cute pigtails she was smiling in her sleep. Then a sign of fear came to her face I woke her up right when it happened cause I did not need her to get hurt again. She smiled at me and I got her a warm cup of milk and she when back to sleep peaceful as ever. Then her face expression turned not scared but mad she yelled.
"Soul you always ask why women make false accusations well why do men have to cheat ITS NOT FAIR" Maka yelled.
"Oh, she is dreaming about us fighting Blair when I faked leaving her to be Blair's partner. She was mad that day when I told her that she yelled at me. But in the end I got Blair's 'witch' soul and thought I had become a death scythe." I laughed a little to the fight.
"Maka wake up" I told her when she woke up she slapped me in the face.
"What was that for Maka" I asked as I pointed to the red slap mark on my face.
"Oh sorry I just had to slap you for that day I never did" she said and laughed.
"Ouch, Maka that really hurt" I said as I rubbed my cheek with a red mark on it. Then she kissed me on my red mark and when she did my whole face went red.
"Did I hit you on the other cheek here you go" she said as she kissed my other cheek with a laugh.
"Better" she asked.
"Yeah much better now go back to sleep ok" I said.
"Ok" she said.
~~~~~~~~~~Next day going to school~~~~~~~
"Are you sure you want to go back to school" I asked.
"Yeah" she said as she held me close on the motorcycle.
"Ok" I said as I started the motorcycle and off we went.
When we got to school everyone we knew was cheering when they saw me and Maka's hand enter locked together. Maka got scared and when I front of her to brace for impact from everyone running to see us I got hit in the stomach to stop them from hitting Maka she still had the scar and it was still not healed all the way. Then she got mad I got a little scared of her.
"Hey calm down all of you look we are a couple now wuppy do ok look you guys hit Soul" she yelled everyone jumped a little she helped me get up and then everyone said sorry to me and then asked us when we started dating. Than I saw Kidd walk up the stairs alone, does he love Maka to if he did why was he helping get Maka. So many questions went through my head about Kidd.

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