The first dayshift

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It whas the next day, Herny whas getting ready for his first day at work at fredbears family dinner!
Yesterday dave told henry he'd teach Herny the basics of working the dayshift.
The dayshift should be pretty simple, right?-
With that being said, Herny left to go to work.

He didn't have enough money to buy a car or a bike. So he just walked there. Since he lived close by anyways.

Henry whas leaning against the wall outside, he whas smoking. And just looking around.
Herny waved at Henry, and Henry just waved back.
"Oh, hey employee-... your here early. The place will open up in about 30 minutes, so. Do whatever for now.-" Henry said.
"Oh, alright-" Herny responded.
Herny sat down on a bench that whas close to the wall Henry whas standing against.
"Henry, why are you just, leaning against the wall. When there is a bench over here?" Herny asked,
"Oh, I'd just rather stand here. That's all" Henry said, as he got out a pack of cigars.

"Hey, do you want one?" Henry said, as he took out one cigar and holded it towards herny.
"No thanks, I don't like smoking-"
"Alright-" Henry said, as he put the cigar back in the pack of cigars.
"Well, I'll start setting everything up.-" Henry said as he got out a key, the key had a little keychain on it. It whas a golden keychain with the face of fredbear on it.
"Alright- do you want me to help you with setting everything up?" Herny asked, as he got up aswell.
"Oh, that would be kind! But you don't need too-" Henry said. As he unlocked the door.

Herny shrugged.
"It's not like I have anything else to do at the moment" he said
"Thats true-" Henry responded.
A purple car stopped outside of fredbears family dinner, and Dave stepped out of the purple car, he locked it up. And then made his way towards the main entrance
"Oh! Hey Henry! Hey Herny! Whatcha all doing outside?" He asked.
"Well i whas just about to enter the building, to get everything set up for today" henry said towards dave.
"Ohhh-! Alright!" Dave responded.
"Hey Dave, since your here already. Would you be so kind to show Herny around while I'll get things set up for today?" Henry asked, as he opened the doors.
"Ofcourse!" Dave responded. While he ran inside of the building.
"Comeone herny, Lets enter aswell." Henry said, as he grabbed hernys hand and walked inside. Henry whas just smiling, and He even seemed to be blushing a little.
"Alright-" Herny said.

Dave already rushed of to the prize corner to grab some extra money. While Henry and Herny just entered together holding hands.
"Oh! You two are holding hands! How c00t!" Dave said.
"Shut up Willy-..." Henry said, as he gave dave an angry yet disappointed look.
Herny just quietly giggled a bit, as he blushed a bit.
"Anyways! Let me guide ya around, small Henry!" Dave said as he just picked up Herny and carried him around the pizzeria.
Dave carried Herny to the saferoom, were he casually put him down. Some blood stains were still on the walls.
"Dave-... why is there... red paint there?" He pointed at some of the blood stains.
"Red... paint?" Dave said confused
"Yes, red paint. I hope-" Herny now said, he seemed very concerned about both his own safety, and about the job he just accepted yesterday.
"We never used red paint around here-" Dave said confused.
"Then what are those stains?!" Herny said, as he started to freak out.
"Gah! Calm down! It's just some- blood! Nothing special!" Dave said, with a bit of a louder voice.
"BLOOD?!" Herny yelled, as he jumped backwards.
"What did you-...." Herny said, as he just back away slowly. He seemed scared.
"Please don't leave! I- I can explain!" Dave said.

Herny tried to run out, but bumped into Henry.
"Gah! Oh! H-hey Henry!" Herny said as he got back up, and walked back into the saferoom.
"What is going on in here? I heared some yelling, so I came to check-" Henry said.
"Oh, hey henry! I wanted to show Herny the saferoom, but he got freaked out by the blood stains"
Henry laughed.
"Ah, the bloodstains. You'll get used to them, Herny-" Henry said. As he patted Herny on the back.
Herny just stayed quite, and nodded.
"Anyways, this is the saferoom. This is were you can put on mascot suits, and walk around in them. How exiting!" Henry said, in a sarcastic tone.
"It really isn't exiting, anyways. Do whatever you want in here-" Henry said.
Herny looked at the mascot suits, there were 3! How neat! They all looked clean and polished, expect one, that had a few blood stains on it.
One of them whas a golden bear, the other one whas a golden bunnie. And the last one seemed a bit older. It also had a warning sign on it.
"You'll sometimes have to wear these, your assigned character is the golden bear over there!" Henry said.
"And Dave's assigned character is that golden rabbit. But Dave isn't around here since he works both here and at the fazbenders location. So, whenever he isn't around I'll sometimes have to wear it." Henry explained.
"Well small henry! I'll teach you about putting one of these baby's on later! But for now let's continue our tour!" Dave said as he picked Herny back up. And ran out of the saferoom with him towards the prize corner.

"So this is the prize corner! We still need to hire someone to acually work here... but... for now you can just get free money from here! How neat is that?" Dave said, he seemed very excited when he whas talking about money for some reason. Mabye that's because you and Dave just get payed in mostly tokens and bags of peanuts- and sometimes acual cash if your lucky.
"Hey, mabye I can advertise this place, so someone wants to work here!" Herny said.
"Thats a Bad idea, small Henry. Last time we did that some creepy virgin ended up working at the prize corner, and sales dropped like crazy!"
"Oh... wait... what now? Why would sales drop because of a-" Herny tried to ask, but got interrupted by Dave
"First of, his smile. Second of, his personality. Third of, its better not to question anything around here. It will only mess with your brain, and gets you to think about stuff you'd rather not think about"
Herny noticed some customers were acually coming in.
"Oh! The place is already opened! I forgot!" Herny said, as he started to panic.
"Don't worry, smaller Henry. Our job around here is easy, it's a piece of cake!"
"Hmh, alright then-" Herny responded.
"Oh, and I still have to introduce you to the dough master! Ronaldo!" Dave said as he grabbed hernys hand and ran to the Kitchen.

After a few seconds of intense running, they entered the kitchen. Dave just kicked the door open as always.

"Here we are! Ah, you can just smell the moldy pizza bases!" Dave said.
"Man, this place is a mess..." Herny whispered to himself.
He looked around, there were a few rats around with one bigger rat. that giant rat problely made the rules, and problely rules over the smaller rats. With that being said, the rats really grossed Herny out. What's a health inspector came? They would be shut down for sure!
Herny then noticed a man with a chef hat. He whas busy making pizzas. One of them even had some kibble on it.
Who in his right mind would order kibble on a pizza?....
Herny walked up to the man.
"Hello sir!" He said
"Oh, hello there-! I am the dough master! Ronaldo!" Saïd The man, who's name is Ronaldo apparently.
"Want any help with the pizza's sir?" Herny asked.
"Well, I would need some ingredients first, a moldy pizza from trash outside will do just fine" he said in a response.
"From the trash?..." Herny looked concerned. What did he get himself into?...
"Yes, from the trash. We're else would I get my dough from?" Ronaldo responded.
"Can't you buy fresh dough?..." Herny asked
"Well, we don't get any fresh dough delivered, since the owner refuses to by any. And I'm not spending my own money on fresh dough-" Ronaldo Said.
"Well that makes sense, I wouldn't spend my own money either" Herny said as he just looked at the pizzas.
"Well, I'll leave you for now sir." Herny said as he made his way back towards the door, were dave whas also waiting for him.
"Alright my boy, I'll see you around.-" Ronaldo said. As he quickly waved goodbye and then continued making the pizza.

"Well, that brings our tour to an end!" Dave said as the two walked around the pizzeria.
"Hey, would you like to help me out with something tomorrow? I'll explain the details in the saferoom-" Dave said with a wink.
"Ehrm... it depends...-" Herny said
"Well, just meet me in the saferoom tomorrow!" Dave said as he just smiled at Herny.
"Alright-....." Herny said, a bit concerned, but for sure dave wouldn't hurt him.... right?

"Great choice! Well. Let's go put our suits on and perform. And after that I'll be heading of to fazbenders.-" Dave said, as he grabbed hernys hand to drag him to the saferoom with him.

(End of chapter 3!)
(Stay tuned for chapter 4, which will most likely release soon!)

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