5 lost lives

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Herny arrived at his tiny, little house. He sat down and turned on the tv.
He was about to change the channel. When a sertant new report got shown

"Another five kids went missing at fredbears family dinner. the owners, Henry Miller and Dave Miller are still trying to look around for the 5 missing children. Police will investigate the scenery tomorrow. And the pizzeria will have its doors closed for 2 days straight. Next up, we ha-"

Herny turned of the tv, and he seemed both scared and shocked.
5 children went missing? 5 are a lot... yet he didn't notice anything.
He just sat under the blanket he had laying on the couch. He seemed afraid.
5 kids, 5 innocent, young kids. How? Why? What even happend?
Herny whas just silent. He didn't fully know how to progress all of this.

He then heared knocking on his door. It Whas the local police.
"Hey, sir. We heared you were a new fredbears employee. And wanted to question you-" they said.
"Oh- yeah, I just saw it on the news... I-" Herny just stuttered. He still seemed somewhat afraid.
"Listen, we have camera footage of you in the Kitchen when this happend. So you are in the clear. But we wanna ask if you saw anything suspicious-..." the cop said, as he got out a little notebook.
"Well I did see some weird bags in the saferoom-"
"Weird bags?" The cop wrote that down.
"Yeah, weird bags. Anyways. That's about it-" Herny said.
"Alright, thank you sir. Stay safe. And have a good night"

Herny let the police out, and waved them goodbye. he then went upstairs to sleep. But could barely close an eye.
His thoughts kept going back on those innocent children. What I they were dead? You hoped they were just missing. But what if they were all dead? Who would do such a thing to 5 innocent children. 5 innocent family's would of been torn apart aswell.-

Herny ended up tearing up a bit, he whas so tired. But just couldn't fall asleep with all of this on his mind, luckly he has tomorrow free because of the investigation. Mabye he could call henry tomorrow and talk to him about what just happend.

Herny ended up almost crying himself to sleep. Since he whas both scared for his own safety, and for the kids there safety. He just wanted everyone to be happy. And in peace.

The next morning Herny woke up in shock.

He barely got any rest last night. But atleast he could continue to sleep if he'd like. But he whas fine. And besides. He wanted to have a talk with Henry.
Herny got out the crumbled paper with henrys phone number written on it with a black sharpie.
He got out his phone, and called the number.

"Hello? Hello hello?" The voice from the other side of the line said
"Am i speaking with Henry Miller?" Herny asked.
"Yes, yes you are Herny. I think. I recognize your voice-" Henry said.
"Oke, Well. Did you hear the news yesterday? Appearently 5 kids went missing out your restaurant! Arnt you worried it might get shut down?" Herny asked.
"Well ofcourse I am worried about that!... I'm also worried about my house keys. I left them inside but I can't go inside there for the next 2 or 3 days. So I'll have to sleep outside on the grass-" Henry said in a sad yet disappointed voice.
"Oh, you can come over to sleep at my place of you'd like!" Herny said.
Herny then told henry his adress.
"You know, close by to the pizzeria" Herny said.
"Oh, right. Yeah! I'll be there in a bit!" Henry said, as he hung up.

Herny quickly put on a shirt. And his square badge. And went downstairs and turned on the tv. He whas waiting for Henry to arrive.
Herny went to the kitchen to make some tea, when he heared a knock on the door.
He quickly went towards the front door to open it up.
Henry stood in the door opening, he looked down at Herny with a smile.
"Thanks for inviting me over! That was very kind of you-" Henry said.
"Ah, its no problem. It's the least I could do" Herny said, as he blushed a bit.
Henry sat down on the couch. And Herny got some tea for the two of them.

He sat down next to Henry, and put the two cups of tea on the table.
"Hey, are you alright? You look tired..." Henry said. As he put his arm around Herny.
Herny leaned against henrys shoulder.
"I'm fine... I'm just tired. I barely got any sleep last night" Herny said.
"Oh... Well that happens to the best of us.-" Henry said. As he looked at Herny.
Henry meanwhile also took a few sips from his tea, while Herny whas still leaning against him.

Herny leaned more against henry, and put his arms around henrys waist.
Henry blushed. And just kept his arm around Herny.
After a little while, Henry noticed that Herny had fallen asleep.
Henry continued to watch some tv. And drink his tea while also watching over Herny.
Henry also put a little blanket over Herny, to make sure he'd stay warm and cozy.
Then after a few minutes henry also slowly started to slowly fall asleep

(The end of chapter 5)
(Stay tuned for chapter 6 : ) )

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