•••Chapter 2•••

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Getting to the mall wasn't that hard, he met Valentino at the entrance, the moth was so kind enough to let him take the limo to his location.

As he walked to the doors of the Greed District mall, he saw a slim doll like demon with her hair pulled into two pigtails. In his opinion the woman's look always reminded him of the circus, as she always wore white eyeliner and crimson eyeshadow. Her black, velvet, and white tea-length dress with short puffy sleeves slightly blew in the small breeze.

Her with red sclera and white irised eyes spotted him immediately, she smiled, "Took you long enough bitch!"

"Hehe, yeah, sorry about that Vel, I got busy," Vox rubbed the back of his neck. The doll like demon rolled her eyes, "Yeah sure, probably fucking some slut at the studio, come on let's go! You've made me wait long enough." She grabbed his arm and pulled him into the mall. "Alright alright calm down, I can walk without you pulling me. Why the fuck did you want me to come with you anyway," he yanked his arm from her and fixed his coat sleeve. "Well, Valentino said he was going to be busy around 5:30, and I like to shop, beside I'm looking for a new dress and I need someone's opinion," Velvet smiled as she happily continued to walk. He followed her of course, but he rolled own his eyes, "Vel do you really need my opinion on an outfit. You'll look good in anything you know that."

She nudged his arm, "Aww well aren't you just sweet Voxxy, but I still want to know if I'm picking out the perfect dress. Besides if we don't find one here, I can always go to a boutique." She then pulled out her phone, "Take a picture with me! Please! please!"

"Fine...," he leaned down a bit and gave his usual grin as she snapped the photo. She immediately went on InstaScream. Most likely to make a post with the picture she just took, she didn't even bother to look at the screen as she typed, going to look at Vox instead while they walked to the store she was looking for, "So which whore ya fucked today? Val's number one or some fugly bitch? Not that Angel's any better..."

"I didn't fuck any whore Vel..."

"Well you fucked someone, you're only late when you have a meeting before hand or you've fucked some bitches. And I know you didn't have a meeting today," she cocked a brow of suspicion at him. He sighed, she knew him and Val way too well....it was almost scary.

His mind went back to earlier, thinking of Val only caused his weird stomach feel all...fluttery? Focusing on the feeling in his stomach, he didn't realize the cyan on his face was turning a pale pink. Velvet's curiosity had now peaked due to seeing her friend turn pink from his own thoughts, "Uhh Vox you okay?" The tv demon quickly snapped out of it, "Yeah sorry..."

"Damn was this hoe nice lookin' or something? Ya screen is pink, other than your eyes and mouth of course," she pointed out, her mouth forming into a grin. "W-What?! No of course not...," he waved his hand to dismiss her question. His eyes spotted a random clothing store, "Hey look we're right at a clothing store now, come on let's go find something for you to wear!"

He walk into Forever Dead, as fast as he could without running. Velvet was quick to follow, "This isn't the store I wanted to—HEY!"  Vox shoved a bunch of clothes into her arms and pushed her near the dressing rooms, "Try those on."

He hoped if he could keep her busy, she'd forget about him blushing. While she changed, he was able to calm down enough for his screen to turn back to its usual cyan color. He sighed and pulled out his phone, there was a notification from InstaScream, he opened it to see it was from Velvet's page, she had tagged him in the picture with the caption:

Box head was late because he was out fucking bitches! Haha! But he's here to shop with me now.

Vox shook his head at the caption, before liking the picture, his eyes then went to the comments. Most of it was nonsense that he didn't give a shit about, some calling Velvet cute or putting a fire emoji, but his eyes stopped at a comment left by none other than Val. It was simple, just a few laughing emojis before telling Velvet to make Vox pay for her shit since it's basically a date.

A date my ass...Like I'd date the little psychotic bitch.

Suddenly Velvet slammed open the dressing room door, startling the tv demon. He caught his phone, and sighed in relief, "What the fuck Vel?!"

She giggled, "What? Watching porn or something? Anyway what do ya think?"

"No, and ya look fine," he replied as his eyes studied the outfit. It was a white frilly crop top and red jean short. It was actually very cute, but Vox didn't want to be here to begin with. She simply huffed, crossing her arms, "You know girls don't like when a man just tells them they look fine. They want a genuine compliment."

The tv demon just groaned in annoyance, "Well you ain't getting one from me, go pester Val by sending him pics of your outfits. You know he's not paying a lick of attention to whatever he's doing."

"Ugh fine, you suck," she complained. He grinned, "Can't say I can my mouth is on my screen."

"Not that ghoulish tongue though. Sure that thing could do wonders if you know how to work that shit. Hoped that bitch ya fucked enjoyed it," the pigtailed demon gave a devilish smirk in return. All knowing he was trying to get her to forget what they were talking about earlier. But she didn't lie there, he could make a weird tongue come out of his screen. With red drool and everything. The first time he did it around his two friends they thought it was the most coolest and disgusting thing ever. He rolled his red eyes at the last part of her sentence. She really wasn't going to drop it.

An hour or so passed and the two stopped at a Scarebucks, Velvet sat happily with pink looking drink that looked like nothing but pure sugar. While Vox just sat there, listening to the girl ramble on and on, it's not like he could truly eat or drink anything anyway. He would simply just nod along, not making much conversation. His head resting in on his hand as his eyes averted to the window a bit while he listened.

"So you ever gonna tell me who caused you to be late?"

That question made him turn his red eyes back at her and narrow, "Really? This again? It was something personal, now fucking drop it."

"Yeah sure, whatever ya say," she rolled her white irises. Much to Vox's relief, she gave up on trying to get an answer about it.

By the time he got to his own home, it was almost 9pm. He felt tired, hell his body still ached from Val's abuse. "Fuck...I just wanna sleep...," he muttered to himself. He didn't even bother to turn on the lights to his main room, just went straight to his bedroom. He underdressed down to just his boxers. His the bite and slap marks looked worse compared to when he left the studio. He simply grazed his hands over the marks. He flinched at the touch, so he moved hands away.
With a groan he flopped onto his soft king sized bed.


He sighed, plucking his phone off his night stand to see a text from Valentino.

~~~~~~~~~~~Hellphone Messages~~~~~~~~~~
Val: Hey come by the studio tmr. K?

Vox: Sure....although it maybe late, I got my own shit to take care of ya know?

Val: Yeah yeah, I know. Just come by when u can.

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