•••Chapter 8•••

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Vox was sitting on his navy couch, while watching some crappy movie that was playing, his phone dinged next to him so he lifts up to see Velvet had sent him a message.

~~~~~~~~~~~Hellphone Messages~~~~~~~~~
Vel: Don't be mad @ me.

Vox: For what?

Vel: U'll find out here in about a few secs. Toodles.

He raised a brow at that.

What the hell does she mean by that?


The tv demon immediately was pulled from his thoughts and he groaned. Who the hell was at his door and pushing the bell a thousand times nonetheless? If its a seller, he's killing the poor bastard for disturbing him. "Alright, alright I'm coming yeesh," he yanked the door open angrily just to be met with the very demon he was trying to avoid.

"V-Val?!...Shit! Of course she'd help you," he grumbled, "What the hell do you want?"

"Listen if anyone gets to take that fucking tone it's me," the moth forced his way into the house. He was not going to leave until he got answers. Vox huffed and slammed the door shut, "I'd rather you'd leave..."

"No, I'm not," Valentino turned to face him, "Now you're gon' to tell me...What have I done to my best boy to—"

The pimp blinked in shock, "Oh...how long has this been a thing?!"

Now Vox was confused, "What do you mean?! What thing?"

Val hated when others tried to play dumb, "Don't deny it! I see this shit with my hoes all the time! In fact Angel Cakes has got it real bad right now over that damn cat at that stupid hotel."

The media demon rolled his red eyes, "Oh yeah and what would that be?"

"You're in love....," Valentino's voice went soft, and that was rare for him. Vox eyes immediately snapped towards the other, his screen turning pink, "Like hell I am! Get the fuck outta my house!" The moth shook his head, he wasn't leaving. He knew what was going on now. Vox has fallen in love with him...honestly...it was the first time he ever had that loving look in someone's eyes directed towards him. The fact it was the obnoxious box head too, made him....happy? Overjoyed even? Vox quickly walked past him, "Leave! I want you out!" His red eyes widened when his arm was grabbed. He turned to look at the other with an irritated expression but it fell flat between his blushing and the way Val was looking at him.

"I'm not leaving, not after just finding this out...fuck was I dense or somethin'? How did I not notice. It's me....Vox....you're in love with me....," there was a hint of disbelief in the pimp's voice. Which cause the other to panic, "I-I didn't want you to find out okay! I knew it'd be bad for our existing relationship so I kept it hidden, but I can't keep hiding it anymore! Fuck I can't....I can't keep hiding it...."

Without even realizing it, cyan tears were managing to fall from his screen. He's never cried before, and the fact they could actually come out of the screen shocked not only him, but Valentino as well. "Vox....."

His voice made him snap out of the shock, "I'm fine you asshole!" This was beyond out of character for him, and he didn't like it. He didn't like that he was actually able to cry. Of all embarrassing things to still be able to do, it was that?! Really Hell?! It just had to do him like that didn't it? He hates this, he yanked his arm from Val, "I said I'm fine! Quite fucking with me!"

The tall moth sighed, "You seriously think I'd be playin' with you? Where in the nine circles did you get that?!" Vox glared at him, remnant tears faded away, "You're always trying to fuck with me, then go fuck other guys and expect me to be cool with it."

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