•••Chapter 4•••

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So if you're seeing this chapter again, it's because I added/changed some lines! Just thought I'd let y'all know in case you were wondering what you saw this chapter in your notifications again.

Vox walked into the porn studios, to find Velvet sitting on the love seat, while Valentino was pacing. "What the hell did I just walk into," the tv demon spoke, catching their attention immediately. "Oh Val just got some news on where Angel is hiding...," Velvet responded, looking at the moth demon who was in front of her. "Bad?"

"He's staying at that laughing stock of a hotel," Valentino grumbled. Vox raised a brow, "Okay, so just go there and take him back? The princess won't fight back, she's just as much as something to laugh at along with her idea. Besides, Angel will fail it and come crawling back. He always fucking does."

The demon moth sighed, "What I'm worried about that the Radio Demon will try to turn Angie against me. I need that little whore to make me money, I own his ass, and I don't need him getting a fucking confidence boost just because Bambi and his friends came along."

The pigtailed demoness groaned, "Seriously Vox is right. Not like Lucifer will care if you go tearing down the hotel to get ya bitch back. He sees it as a failure like everyone else. You worry too much Big Vee," she then grins, "Besides with all three of us there, you think that radio fuckwad will try to mess with us? He can't even beat Vox alone."

Valentino settled next to her with his arms crossed, "Alright, alright ya got a point there."

"Hey I didn't agree to comin' along. Don't drag me into ya shit," Vox sneered. He didn't want to deal with Alastor right now. The two could never get along no matter how hard they tried. But it wasn't really his fault that the deer chose to be behind the times. The tallest of them stood up, his four arms wrapped around the tv demon, "Oh please won't ya help me Voxxy~?"


"Pretty please~," he leaned closer to Vox, his voice having a seductive growl to it, "I promise I'll make it worth it~"

With a sigh Vox pulled away from the other, "Fine, but you owe me big time."

"Of course~," Val grinned, showing his red teeth with his one golden tooth catching the light in the room.


The three Vs got into the huge white limo. Settling on the black seats, that were lined in a glowing neon fuchsia. Velvet took up a whole set to herself, forcing Val and Vox to sit next to each other. The moth didn't seem to mind, and even stretched his legs over the other's lap. Which Vox's eyes widened a little and looked from his phone to see Valentino's legs in his lap. The doll demon was looking over her own phone grinning, not enough for either of the guys to notice.

The tv demon lightly patted Val's legs, it almost seemed lovingly. Which only made Velvet giggle before quickly looking back at her phone so the other two didn't catch her watching. "What's so funny," Vox asked, raising a brow. "Nothing, just saw a funny meme," is all the woman said before texting whomever.

It didn't take long to get to the hotel, especially when you make your driver, drive like a bat outta hell. Their heels clicked against the hard pavement as they walked to the door. Valentino stood in front of them, knocking on the door, hoping someone would answer otherwise the three of them would be busting in. Luckily there was an answer, and it was little princess herself  who opened the door, "Hello—"

Her eyes widened at the sight of three overlords standing there. The moth demon grinned before leaning over to her, "Why hello dear Princess, I fear you may have something that belongs to me~"

She immediately backed away, "Oh...uh....what is it you need Mr.Valentino?" She gave a nervous smile. His grin grew more sinister, "I think you know now, don't you, lil' darlin'?" He made his way into the hotel with Velvet and Vox behind him. Alastor stood in the corner, his eyes narrowed at the sight of Vox, but his smile never faltered. The tension between the radio and tv made the room eerie. But the other two didn't pay no mind. Velvet immediately ran over to the bar. The bartender was taken a bit back by her, "Hiya kitty cat, haven't seen ya in a while! You haven't seen a white and pink spider have you?"

"Can't say I have," Husk answered with a deadpanned expression, cleaning a glass. His wings twitched ever so slightly. The doll like woman pouted, "Damn....well that's a real shame. You are cute though. Not in an attractive way, just more like those videos I watch on my phone."

"He's not far," Valentino stated, "In fact," his antenna twitched, smelling the air. It caught the scent of sweet perfume. So he walked up to the bar, "I think pussycat here is lyin'." He leans over the bar, enough to see the spider. He grins, "Why hello there Angel Cakes~"

Angel's pink eyes widened as the sight of Valentino, and he tried to run off, but was grabbed, then pulled back harshly by the tall moth. This caused Husk to snarl, "Let him go ya bastard!" He went to attack, but a holy blade was aimed to his throat, his orange eyes looked up to see who was pointing that blade at him. "Sorry kitty, but I'm afraid I can't let you do that," the pigtailed demoness had a crazy look in her white irises. "D-Don't hurt em...I-I'll go...just let me get a few things....," Angel pleaded. "That's fine, but..." Val yanked the spider to his face, he growled as he spoke, "If you try to run farther, it'll only make what's coming next much, much, worse. Do I make myself clear?"

The spider nodded, "Crystal clear...."

"Once you three get whatever you need leave my hotel...do not return...," Alastor finally spoke from his corner, trying to keep himself from losing his temper and causing his eyes to turn into radio dials. "Oh? And what will you do Alastor? Can't beat us, especially not me," Vox grinned in amusement. The radio demon didn't say another word. He only gave a glare, and simply walked over to Charlie, who looked saddened but had no real clue on how she could negotiate with three overlords who are sure to laugh at her. And she had just sent Vaggie out to get some stuff for the hotel as well. "It's alright dear, go on upstairs, I will try to handle everything if it gets...out of hand," he tried to reassure her. The blonde woman was quick to shake her head, and looked over at the three, "V-Valentino is there anything I could offer that would maybe let Angel get to stay?" Such an innocent and sweet question made the moth let out a boisterous laugh the other two joined in, "Oh princess, if you're simply offering to work in Angie's stead then I'm down to make you a little whore," he strolled over to her, placing a hand on her chin, "I'm sure many should love to see what that sweet face of yours looks like undone~"

Her face turned red, "O-oh no...umm-" She fidgeted a little. "Maybe even mommy and daddy could have a daughter they could be proud of for once," Vox chimed in before they all laughed again. She was now hurt and uncomfortable as tears pulled into her eyes. Fortunately for her, Alastor didn't like any of it, his neck snapped, eyes turned into dials and he caused a tentacle to appear and yank the pimp's hand away from her. "Weren't you ever taught how to talk to a lady? Not all like your filthy talk," there was static in his voice. The princess sighed in relief to have the other to get her out of the uncomfortable situation. Alastor sometimes acted like a protective father towards her, and she couldn't really figure out why...had he heard her phone call the day he appeared?

"Watch yourself now Alastor, I could erase you," Valentino sneered, pulling his hand from the tentacle.

Before the red headed demon could say another word, Angel came back down the stairs, "Okay....I-I think I'm ready." Velvet pulled back from Husk, and walked over to Val. Vox was quick to join, "Let's get this whore and go."

The moth pimp nodded, turning to look at Angel as he did so, "Alright, come on now Angie~"

The kinky spider gave Husk a sad smile and mouthed the words, "I'll be okay...I'll be back before you know it...bye Husky," before following the three overlords out the door.

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