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Clay gazed out of his window, enjoying the oranges and purples of the setting sun.

He studied the details of the clouds and the small city around him. The familiar bakeries, restaurants, gift shops, toy stores, everything he's known for as long as he can remember.

There's another thing he's known for all his life - angels get annoying to be around.

As an angel, he's basically forbidden to say that. But it's true.

All of them are gentle and kind, but exaggerated to the tenth degree. Soft voices. Fragile feelings. Never a single thought against anything anyone has ever done in their life. Even as a young kid, Clay has felt that something was off. Clay felt feelings of anger, jealousy, disgust, even after he was taught that those traits were devilish, he still felt them.

He couldn't even really control his anger - he got better at it as he grew older, but if something was annoying enough he would feel like he could lash out at any second.

Eventually, addressing it just felt like a bad idea, and he tried his hardest to not feel anything.

It worked, and fooled basically everyone around him.

His mother had told Clay that she worried for him as a kid, but was glad he matured. His father said he always knew that Clay was a good spirit. His friends didn't even say anything about it. They're still friends to this day.

But internally, anger burns like a flame. Jealousy bubbles and boils inside him. Disgust makes him feel sick. Angels don't even get sick.

George, a devil, feels basically the same way.

He was taught to shun the angels as a young child, that they were weak and ignorant and inferior to devils. In the beginning, George was fine. He acted like a demon child (pun intended), downright rude like everyone else. But as he aged and matured, he began to shun those of his own kind.

Devils, at any given moment, could yell at you. George learned to savor the moments of his parents not being rude to each other, which was mostly when George was present. Female devils are far more gentle than males, but still have no positive feelings.
George, unlike them, felt feelings of joy and content and knows what love means when it isn't lust.

Now that he has moved out of his parent's house, he rarely makes contact with any devil but his few friends. Friends could even be an overstatement. They do get along, but none of them seem to feel the same way that George does.

He felt alone.


He could try and reach out to someone, but no one seemed like they would listen.

Did he dare reach out to an angel?

Angels are kind and silly and know how to laugh. Angels feel the feelings George has. But George still has negative emotions - which he doubted any angel could understand. Even the word 'jealous' in front of an angel could get him pushed away, isolated again.

Was he really the only one like this?

Was he really going to be singled out as the one person in this entire universe that has a full set of emotions?

One day, he found out, no. He wasn't.

He was walking through the part of town where angels and devils both cross, his head down to avoid contact with anyone else.

Unfortunately, he still made contact, by slamming into someone.

An angel.

The halo hovering above him made a chill run down George's spine.

"Oh- I'm sorry!" George blurted out, eyes wide under his white rimmed sunglasses. Looking up at the taller person still trying to balance, they were wearing a smiley-face mask and a green jacket, and George realized that he had just royally messed up. Glancing around quickly, no one was eyeing him. Big relief, but the person he had bumped into was standing in shock.

"Watch where you're- wait, sorry?" The other male accused, angrily, not making the connection that he just outed himself to the other. "You're a devil!"

"That tone? You're an angel!" George threw back, and it sunk in to both of them that they had just found out they weren't alone. Somehow, he mustered up the courage to mutter his name. "My name is George."


Clay pulled the two into a dark alleyway, somehow the two hadn't made a scene on the sidewalk and no one that was just passing by seemed to notice.

"You.." Clay started, but felt at a loss for words. "Were.. sorry."

"And you were angry." George accidentally said this with a know-it-all tone.

Clay giggled a little bit. His laughter brought a smile to George's face.

~788 words

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