Speed Courting (8)

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Aizawa lets you set the pace with Rabia. You know that the mare is fit but you have three hours, to get to the lake (f/lake). (Y/n) decides that a steady trot should do for now.

You click your tongue, against the top of the roof of your mouth, to encourage Rabia to change from a walk to a trained trot. The demon watches intently, at how gentle you are with your cues but doesn't understand why you're posting to the gait, when riding in a western saddle. Though he likes what he sees, your backside rising and sitting back down. He can see your legs bend and flex with the tightening and relaxing of your ass. You have your back, in perfect riding posture, with your head held high and eyes looking for uneven ground or hazards for your horse.

The one thing he does notice is Rabia is flipping her head occasionally and it dawns on him, taught to ride English originally. You ride 'plow rein' as western riders call it. The bit is too strong, for the pressure you are used to riding, a horse with. Shouta now remembers, Bolt had a snaffle bit, in his bridle.

The "Ame Damnee" angel trots up, to your right side, as you walk into a small grove of asp trees. Aizawa raises his eyebrow, the one with the scar but says nothing. He merely observes. (Y/n) dismounts and you take the bridle off of Rabia, to dismantle the bridle. You take the reins and leather ties, to adjust the bridle to create a [23]Native American war bridle. With gentle hands, you slide the jaw loop over her lower jaw, then scratch her forehead.

"Shouta do you have any rope on you?" you inquire.

Cael barks as if to say 'yeah...you better angel.'

"You tell him Cael..." you laugh, as your hands scratch then pat Cael's back and sides. The black German Shepherd wags his tail, in great enthusiasm. Aizawa looks a bit perplexed but pulls out his capture weapon, from a saddle bag. "I have something better than rope, depending on what you need the rope for."

"I need just enough to make a neck collar, of sorts around Rabia's neck, that fits at her chest," you say back to him.

"Ahh okay I guess..." he says with more confusion.

You lead Rabia up to the fallen angel and show, how long the piece, needs to be. The capture weapon is of a material, you have not felt before. "So what do you use this for? Wilderness Shibari?"

Aizawa coughs and almost cuts his finger. Wilderness Shibari? Perhaps you are not so innocent, as you come across, Little one?

He hands you the piece of scarf and watches your hands, thread one end of the scarf, through an Ashley stopper knot then create another stopper knot, on the other end of the fabric.

'Oh fuck...you could be a switch with a rigger skill?' Aizawa hums to himself then stops suddenly. ' Hmm....shit...a hard on, riding a horse. This is not going to be pleasant by any means.'

"What's with the grumpy look?" you snip at him.

Shouta stands up, in the saddle and pretends to stretch his legs. "Been a while since I rode, is all."

"Aah, well I'm almost done," as you walk to Rabia and place the knotted collar, around her neck. "Oh! One last thing!"

You dig around in your front jean's pocket, to pull a large piece of [24] turquoise, that has a drilled hole and sinew for tying the stone, which you tie to the war bridle. " I almost forgot this...I didn't have it on Bolt's bridle and I usually always have a piece with every horse. It will protect us, Rabia and I from falls," you say out loud.

You cue her to kneel and you climb into the saddle. Your hands grab the war bridle rein and the neck rein, to keep your hand from pulling, on the jaw strap. Rabia starts trotting again and no longer flips her head. The war bridle doesn't put pressure, on the top of her [25] poll as some bits do, as well as pressure on the[26] bars of the horse's mouth.

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