Storm Coming (10)

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Shouta lets a slow breath out. He really doesn't want to leave your side. The fallen angel knows, you're going to be sore, as he touches marks on your neck and a couple bites on your shoulders.

'Rough, too rough for a first time...' he has a lot of explaining to do, even in his mind. His thoughts get interrupted, by a blonde haired man opening the door, as quietly as he can.


"Ssh! Keep it down....(Y/n) is sleeping," Shouta grumps at the tall man. " Got the jeep, her car all right?"

"Yeah...why?" asks Yamada as he walks over. He sees Shouta pressing against, your sleeping form and stroking your head, as his fingers brush your (length)hair out of your closed eyes. Aizawa looks up at his friend, he has known since they both came to be, and lets a feral growl, slip out.

His left arm goes over you in a protective hold as he mutters "mine."

The fallen angel rests his head, on your upper arm and takes a deep breath, as if he is memorizing your scent. The low rumble sounds like a purr, can be faintly heard, as he nuzzles your cheek. Shouta can't seem to get enough of you.

Yamada raises his hands, "I am the last one to worry about, just reminding you, that I have not sinned."

"Hmm...forgive me for being so rude to you, especially you," Aizawa says quietly, unthreading his body from yours.

You complain in your sleep, at him leaving but you remain sleeping, as your body snuggles down more into the thick blanket, the two of you shared. The recidivist angel strolls over the kitchen area, with his clothes and begins to dress quickly. Hizashi watches his friend get into human clothes, as if it's like second skin. Aizawa told his friend to buy some clothes, to get the feel of what it is like to be human, so he could pass as human. Yamada has made only a handful of trips here and never needed anything, to pass as human. Shouta is just grateful, that Hizashi did take a curiosity in cars, so he had learned to drive .

"You look like shit Aizawa..." Yamada grins. "Do the pants bother you with no...what do humans call it? Underwear...damn you were always that big?"

The fallen angel glares, "It is the nature of the sin, Hizashi. Being a fallen angel committing yet another sin and it being fornication, to create a baby. Nothing a little human coffee can not fix."

Shouta takes a long swallow, "As to your other question, there are advantages and disadvantages. Yes, on your size question and you do not swear, ever or you will be stuck with me, down here."

Hizashi puts two and two together. "One Arabic coffee coming right up with goat's milk and in a travel mug to go. As for swearing, I can use hell and damn with an occasional use of ass like in jackass."

Aizawa raises an eyebrow and sighs, "Huh, if you were not a Seraph I would be suspicious. Anyrate thank you, that is my favorite and I have not had it for a while. How did you know I was craving it?"

"I have my ways Shouta, I have my ways...." Yamada says getting louder. "You have acquired some tastes being here for so long, even though you do not need, to eat."

"Your just had to get that voice to herald God's arrival. The healing touch is a big enough ability in and of itself," Shouta snorts. "Fitting in again, you know?"

Yamada makes a fist and pretends to hit Aizawa in the upper arm, "You can stop another Angel's ability, by mere sight and all the gifts of a warrior, including danger sense."

"Mmm...I forget about that. It comes so naturally, I do not count it," Shouta replies, while looking down at the floor.

"What is the plan? You know others are on to you," Hizashi states. "Have you two bounded err... binded...what is the word?"

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