Chapter 5: Discovery

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So I thought I should tell you that I'm just gonna write in third person from now on. I might switch into a Lucy, Natsu, or Alex pov later on in the story, but it's getting harder to write in the many different pov's. That's all until the end!
It was a bright summer day at Fairy Tail. Alex had decided to ask Lucy if she can split the rent and live with her.
Of course, Lucy said yes,and suggested that they go on a job. By the time they got to the guild Natsu and Gray had already destroyed half of the inside. Then, Erza blew a fuse after Gray freezed Erza's cake.


"Aye, sir!!" They both said nervously.

"Hey, guys," Alex said to Gray and Natsu,"Lucy and I are going on a job, do you wanna come?"
"Can't, I'm going on a job with Erza and Wendy later," said Gray. Alex nodded in understanding, then eyed Natsu, "What about you?"
"Sure, I don't have anything better to do," Natsu replied nonchalantly.

"Hey, Alex! I found a job!" Lucy exclaimed looking in front of the Request Board.
"What's the job, Luce?" Natsu asked.
Lucy pulled the flyer off the board and brought it over to the group. The flyer read:

Help is needed!
Mysterious group of mages have set a curse upon our land, and is terrorizing the town. Please help lift the curse and stop the mages.

Reward: 200,000 jewels

"Wow, that sounds terrible!" exclaimed Alex.
"These people need our help," said Natsu."So it's settled, this job," Lucy said,"I'll go tell Mira."
On the train.....

"I never thought I would see the day that this would happen at the same time," Lucy said, looking over into the seat in front of her. Both Natsu and Alex were laying on top of each other and were trying to hold back barf.
" Them poor souls," Happy said.

"SHUT UP HAPPY!" Both of the dragon slayers exclaimed before going back into sickness. Alex reached in her bag that was under her seat and pulled out a bottle of a liquid.
" What's that?" Me and Happy asked her. "It's something that old hag, Porlyusica, gave me before we left," Alex said after drinking the entire bottle," she said it should cure motion sickness, and last me the ride there."

"Do you have any for Natsu?" Happy asked with some hope in his voice.
" Yes. She gave me four bottles, two for me and two for him," Alex said not as sickly as before. Alex pulled out another bottle and poured it down his throat. Then Natsu burst with life," Yea ! I'm fired up now!! Thanks, Alex."
"No problem," Alex replied.
In the city of Octavian

The group has already spoke with the mayor about the job and the group of mages. They separated into groups of two, Happy and Natsu , then Alex and Lucy.
Quick note
I'm gonna switch perspectives now. I know I wasn't gonna do it anymore, but I just thought of it.
Alex and Lucy POV ( third person)

The two lovely ladies decided to try and find more information on the curse.
"So, most of the towns people said that the curse is at night, if you are out in the streets, then you are to disappear into the abyss, that sounds terrible," Lucy said with a displeasing tone.

"What did the town do to deserve this?" Alex asked curiously. As the ladies kept walking through town, a huge fire had started and caught fire to two buildings. "What is that?" Lucy asked worriedly. "I don't know lets go find out!" exclaimed Alex. They rushed to the scene and saw two mages standing in front of the buildings.

"That was a good shot, Krane. That might've been the biggest one you have made so far," said one man to the man named Krane.

"Thanks, now lets make sure that there were no witnesses," said Krane.
"Alex, do you think you can....." Lucy started, but Alex was already ahead of Lucy. Alex had already started to scarf down the flames. "Phew, I almost couldn't eat it all! Lucy, go see if any body is alive inside," Alex told Lucy.
"Alright, but don't take it easy on them, and don't destroy everything," Lucy replied making it through what was supposed to be the door of one building.

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