Cover and Sticker

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This story won first place in the fanfiction/anime category at the Spring Flower Awards 2020, hosted and judged by HillbillieNolan  
Despite the title :lol: I remember when I wrote this, for a long time it had no cover at all but I couldn't post it without a title so I had to write something there. One day I'll come up with a better one :lol:

 One day I'll come up with a better one :lol:

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Thank you ♡


I entered this story at the Space Awards too, and Jackieswimmer, now rosegold_cactus  , gave it 84/100. It didn't win anything, but thanks for saying you liked my story ^_^ I apologise if there are grammar mistakes, I can't find any, but if anyone reads this before reading the story, I would appreciate it if you let me know if you find any mistakes ♡


Nominated for best friendship at the Aurota Awards 😊


This was the first story I wrote and for some time it didn't have any cover at all (blushing).
This is the cover I eventually made:

The cutie on the right is actor Zhu YiLong playing Shen Wei, and on the left is actor Bai Yu playing Zhao Yunlan

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The cutie on the right is actor Zhu YiLong playing Shen Wei, and on the left is actor Bai Yu playing Zhao Yunlan.
I looked for pictures where they look young and I think these two pictures suit the story quite well ♡♡♡

Unapologetic disclaimer: I see its imperfections but I like my cover anyway 😅

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