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Sakura Haruno stared at the destroyed battle field around her. Bodies littered the ground, while blood painted over them. Not just any blood, blood of her most beloved people .

He had ran at her, pushing her to the ground as he took a blow to the heart. It didn't matter that he had a charka coated shield on his body, because the charka enhanced needle went straight to through his heart, killing him just as she watched the person in black disappear.

It was times like these that Sakura hated herself for being weak. She despised herself for being that idiotic Sasuke-Kun fangirl. Even more she regretted never training herself. She regretted never really giving her ninja studies her all until after Sasuke left the village, and even then she had to wait until Tsunade came around to even do anything useful. But even then she was still weak compared to everyone else. She regretted almost everything in her miserable life and wished to Jashin himself she could change this horrible future.

After all most of the rookie nine were dead, along with her best friend Shikamaru. They had become shogi partners after Naruto left the village to train. It was all really hush hush about their friendship since Shikamaru didn't want to deal with Ino because it would be to troublesome.

She smiled brokenly as she felt her eyes dropping as she whispered to herself knowing this was her end. Her end was a miserable end as well. She could do nothing as she watched Naruto fall to the floor, dead.

She pushed herself to him, ignoring the searing pain in her chest and clutched his hand.

"Naruto....I wish I could've changed this."She mumbled as her eyes closed and she disappeared into darkness, only to see a bright light again.

She found herself in a crumbling cell. She then noticed the giant orange fox in front of her and gapped, shocked that she was in front of the nine tailed fox.

"Kurama...."She mumbled as she took a step forward not really fearing whatever he intended to do to her because without the help of inner she would've gone mental long ago.

"Hhmp, the flowery brat knows my name, huh. Of course the brat would go and tell you my real name....."He mumbled to himself before speaking again."Look brat, you say you want to change all of this, right?"He asked using his tails as air quotes.

Before she could respond he began talking.

"Well, I've got a deal for you. I'm sending you back to your three year old self with the little power I have left."He said as his tails surrounded her.

Sakura shook her head as the shock faded away. Time travel? Really, but why not send Naruto.

"Why not send Naruto?"She asked truly curious. After all Naruto was the vessel and physically stronger then her. Plus she knew the human brain stayed active for at least ten minutes before shutting down.

The fox snorted and rolled his eyes as if it was obvious. When he saw she was still questioning him he sighed.

"Naruto would most likely spill everything the minute he got back. You on the other hand know how to value knowledge. And even if I wanted to he wouldn't be able to handle the mental stress of the memories rushing back into his three year old self. Plus my charka isn't enough to send me and him back. Both of us are one, wether we like it or not."The fox muttered grumpily." This technic isn't like his shadow clones that get all the memories back. It can kill you with the sheer amount of power it takes out of you. I wouldn't even try this on you if it wasn't for that spirit you have in you." Sakura stared at him in shock. He knew of her inner.

The fox snorted slightly before speaking.

"Don't look so surprised kid. Even a Yamanaka couldn't make this trip. They may specialize in mind technics, but they would be no match for your mind."

He was right too. After the match which both she and Ino tied in, Ino had been trying the technic in secret only for her to grow immune to it.

"Now I'm sending you back, but be aware that their will be some drawbacks. Since your mentality won't cope right with your body, sleep will become more easy for you. But other then that, nothing to worry about."

Sakura nodded ready to take on anything as his repaired himself sending the last amount of charka to his tails.

"Do me a favor...."The tips of his tails glowed blue and red."Take care of this Uzumaki brat." Before she could even nod her head a series if seals appeared on the floor underneath with nine circles dancing around her. The fox plunged his tails down into the circles, and she screamed in pain as she was felt her body burning.

'Sakura!...I can numb sixty eight percent of the pain, but the rest is yours. But when you wake up in your body you'll be out for a few hours and at least a quarter of the pain that I hold now will be back.' Her inner told her.

"Do it!"She screamed feeling the pain ripping her muscles.

She had to do this. For Naruto and everyone else, hell even Sasuke. She would change her future.

Inner Sakura nodded and they both clapped their hands and yelled one word.



SHANNARO is equal to F*ck yeah or Alright damn it from Sakura and it's her slang.

YOSH! I finished my first chapter so please give me some tips or point out any mistakes(Which I'm almost positive I made) and Vote!

Playingbomboxs out✌️

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