Shogi part 2

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Please excuse me for not updating for a while.

But when school takes up most of your time you can't do anything about it.

So for now I'm trying to adjust my schedule to fit my needs and my hobbies.

BTW, THANK YOU so much for commenting. It makes me really happy that people like the fanfic, so you know...ENJOY!!!!


Soon all you could hear was the clinking sound of the pieces moving across the board. At least thirty minutes passed by and the game was still not won.

Shikaku was happily surprised to see that Sakura had lasted more then ten minutes into the game. He knew Shikamaru was pretty good at shogi for his age, even if he wasn't the best yet.

Still as he watched her play out different strategies and traps, luring Shikamaru into her grasp. His mouth twitched slightly as he tried to refrain from commenting. It pained him to see his son getting beaten, but at least now he knew he would have a shogi partner.

As the game continued he couldn't help but notice the air of maturity Sakura had. How her posture was defined straightly, no signs of lagging. He thought maybe her mother had taught her proper manners. Although he quickly dismissed it when he remembered how quiet her footsteps had been walking to the office. No child should be able to walk so silently. In all he knew he would keep an eye out on the cherry blossom haired girl.

20 minutes later

"Chekku meito." Sakura muttered as she trapped Shikamaru's king. She smiled at Shikamaru's confused shock as he stared at the bored. She drank in the picture before her, for there were little times she ever saw this particular Nara in this state. It was a mixture of surprise that his future self rarely showed.

"Neh, Shikaku-san, I take it Shikamaru has never been beaten?"She asked lacing her tone with curiosity.

Shikaku nodded in response as he stared curiously at her. He smiled slightly before glancing at his son. He supposed the boy needed a good loss to humble him down and show him not to underestimate an opponent, no matter the gender. After all females had ways to turn tables.

'Literally....' Echoed a small part of his mind as he remembered when he came back from a mission almost dead. His wife had been eating calmly when Inoichi went over to tell her the news. He even transferred his memories showing him how his wife threw the table at him before bursting into tears.

Shikaku shook his head as he realized Shikamaru was asking him a question.

"Can she be my Shogi partner? None of the children in the clan can beat me, so can she dad?" He asked in a hopeful voice.

Sakura bit her lip trying to contain her laughter.
She couldn't imagine Shikamaru being so nagging. He had always been smart enough to get his way with stuff in her time.

Suddenly Sakura's stomach twisted as she thought about her training. As much as she loved his company, she needed to get stronger for the future. Although she could hear Inner nagging about a break.

Shikaku most of noticed her tentative expression and posture so he quickly spoke for her.

"That's only if she wants to Shikamaru." She sent him a thankful smile and spoke, putting up the shy girl act.

"Thank you for the offer, but I can't come everyday." Shikamaru seemed to understand which she was thankful for, as she continued.
"But I can come every Saturday."

She had chosen that particular day because it was the only day of the week she couldn't train. Her mother never worked on Saturdays, and always tried to drag her to the park. She hoped her father would agree. After all she didn't feel like trying to hide from her mom.

"If that's alright with your father. Why don't you and Shikamaru go to the roof." It was more of a command, but Sakura compelled.

Once they reached the roof she was greeted by a a few pillows scattered under the shadow of a thin sheet that blocked the sun but left enough room to see the clouds.

She smiled lightly as she laid down next to Shikamaru who was already staring at the clouds. He had placed himself comfortably into the pillows, patting the pillow near him. She gladly laid next to him as he stared at the sky.

"Ne Shikamaru-san." It still didn't feel right calling him Shika, or even adding kun to his name." do you always come out and look at the clouds?" She asked even if she already knew the answer. Shikamaru glanced at her as he responded.

"Pretty much." Was his two worded answer. She smiled again as she pointed at a random cloud and spoke.

"That one looks like dango......"

The rest of the evening was filled with small talk and light snores. Sakura was rather happy about the napping time she had.

She know remembered vividly why she liked Shikamaru's company so much. He was so calm and indifferent that it made her see that she spent too much time training, and not enough time relaxing. After all she was still just four, so she should take advantage of the time of peace.

Sakura smiled happily, earning a questioning look from Shikamaru who just shrugged it off muttering about troublesome woman.

For the first time since she came back to the past, Sakura was truly happy.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2015 ⏰

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