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"Yo"normal speaking
'Yo' inner speaking
'Yo' thinking


"Sakura...WAKE UP!"Sakura sat straight up before burying her face in a pillow as she tried to muffle her scream. After a few painful minutes she was able to recollect herself as she rubbed her sore throat.

'Inner, are you still there?' She asked worriedly as she glanced around the room. She smiled slightly as she looked around. It was exactly how she remembered it, and judging by her reflection in the mirror the fox did his job right.

'Damn right he did. I didn't go through all that pain for this not to work.'Inner stated loudly doing a strange happy dance in her head.

Sakura looked at the mirror and grinned making a mental promise to herself as she bit her finger causing blood to spill slightly.

'From this day forward, I Sakura Haruno declare that I will never let the future go as it did before, and will never be useless or weak again.'

'Cha!' Inner yelled alone with her. Their celebrating was cut short as she heard footsteps downstairs.

Suddenly it hit her that her parents were still alive. Not burnt to ashes and dead. Without thinking twice she rushed out the room down to the kitchen, and hugged the first person she could get to, which happened to be her father and cried.

Her parents were obviously worried about her, and quickly tried to calm her down. But it didn't help. All she could think about was their deaths.

'Outer! Get a hold of yourself.They are alive and breathing. Now calm down Sakura and make a believable excuse!'

Sakura took a few breaths as she blew her nose on the wet rag her mother gave to her and explained why she was crying.

"It was scary mommy."She said sniffling as she rubbed her eyes. Her mom and dad shared a quick glance before her mother questioned her.

"What was, love?"She asked kneeling down lower as Sakura began to answer.

"My dream mommy. Their was fire and smoke everywhere, and I was lost."She said tearing up at the last words to add affect. Her dad ruffled her hair and picked her up and spoke.

"It's all over now. So how about I teach you how to play a game?"He asked gently trying to get her head away from the supposedly nightmare while her mom began preparing breakfast.

"Yes, daddy!"She yelled cheerfully. She remembered her father would always play a game with her when she was older, but then she started stalking Sasuke and out right ignored her parents.

'.....But not today, Sakura. Not today or tomorrow....or ever.'

Her father began telling her the basics and she continued to act as if she didn't know a thing. She remembered she could always beat her father. When she played against Shikamaru she only ever finished five games with him and won two, tying once. They were never able to finish their games since it lasted for about five hours until they were both called out for some type of mission and what not. But speaking of Shikamaru, she needed to find him and befriend him as soon as possible. She did miss her lazy ass friend. Plus cloud watching was actually pleasant.

"Sakura....are you listening?"Her father asked waving his hand in her face.

"Yeah. That you should always be aware that even your own pieces can be used against you." He ruffled her hair once again knowing his little smarty was back again.

"Now that you know the basics, let's begin."

Ten minutes later her father looked down at the board in shock. He knew his three year old daughter was a genius when it came to books and picking up things faster then normal, but this was beyond him.

She had easily won the entire match in ten minutes without trying. He was quite comically reminded of one of his colleagues, Shikaku Nara. Sakura had never been one for outdoors and never did anything without reason. Maybe his family was very distantly related to the Nara's. He shivered hoping Sakura wouldn't turn into a cloud gazing napper. After all Sakura carried the same bored expression as if she'd rather be doing something else at the moment.

He just hoped it wasn't cloud gazing.


I finished another chapter.

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Playingbomboxs out👊

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