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Only one week remains before final exams starts

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Only one week remains before final exams starts. It past one week since I had my moment with Bakugou, which was the main topic of my diary entries. We didn't talk with each other, or said hello, so it was pretty all the same like always.

"I didn't study at all!" Kaminari yelled with a frighten expression.

I stood next to him in our classroom and started laughing.

"Between the sports festival and the internship, it totally slipped my mind." He looked really desperate and he should be, because he was the student with the lowest academic rank.

"Indeed." Tokoyami said to himself.

"Sucks that there's gonna be a practical exam too." Mineta said with crossed legs and a strange grin while he faced the wall. Who was this pervert talking to?
He was placed ninth, which meant he didn't had to worry about failing the academic exam, like Kaminari and Mina had to.

"We thought you were one of us!" Mina cried. Not everyone sucks at school...

Izuku arrived in the classroom and heard the going conversation. "Ashido, Kaminari! Let's try the best we can!" He cheered them up. "It'd be great if we can all go to the training camp, right?"

"Izuku, you're such a cutie." I giggled and placed my arm around his shoulder, he grinned back. He's my favorite. Right after Mr. wife-me-please.

"Haven't you been attending to class? How could you possibly fail?" Todoroki, who was ranked 5th, pointed out and Kaminari grabbed his chest. "Words hurt, y'know!"

I had my problems too, I was ranked 8th, what meant I was okay, but I clearly had my problems with math.

Yaoyorozu offered her help to Kaminari, Mina and also the rest of the class, because she was ranked first but I don't think I will join her learn group. My gaze fell to Bakugou. He listened to the conversation but seemed like he didn't cared at all. His hair was spiky as always and I imagined I could smell his caramel fragrance til here. Yup, exactly, I identified his scent as caramel and couldn't get enough of it.

I sighed again, and took my arm off Izuku's shoulder. I hated to desire him. I went to my seat and placed my bag besides the table.

I saw how Kirishima, who stood next to Bakugou, was clearly impressed by his motivated classmates.

I sat just 2 feets away from them both. I looked to Kirishima.

"That's what virtue looks like." I emphasized virtue extra as I gave a comment to the conversation of our classmates.

"You're right. Their commitment is super manly." Kirishima said.

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