Just A Dream

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Adrien sat up in a shock. A tear ran down his cheek as he was gasping for breath. He put his hands in his hair, trying to think of an explanation for what he just went through. His mother, akuma's, his father. . . 

Plagg yawned and stretched his tiny little arms. 
"Ahhww. . . Good morning Adrien. I see you're having a wonderful hair day." The kwami said, absorbing the crazy hairstyle his owner had when he woke up. But his owner was too distracted to say something back. Plagg flew over to look Adrien in his eyes. "Hey, are you okay? Do you need some cheese?" He asked. 

"No Plagg." Adrien said in his breath, as he shook his head. The kwami frowned. "Then what is it? Did you have a bad dream?" 

A dream. . . It was all a dream. . . 

"Yeah, eh, I did." Adrien answered. 

But it felt so real. . .

"Oh no, did you run out of cheese in your dream? You know in real life, that will never happen. I always have spare cheese for emergency's." Plagg said. Adrien giggled. 

"No, I would never run out of cheese, not even in my dreams." He replied. The Kwami sighed of relieve. "I actually dreamed about my mother. She was alive and she knew that I'm Chat Noir. She was surrounded by akuma's and warned me about my father. She said something about him not being who he seems, that he's planning something dangerous that I had to stop him from and then the akuma's made her vanish into the air."

Plagg gasped. "Whoa, that's some heavy stuff. Are you okay?" he asked with a soft voice, trying to comfort the boy. 
"Yeah, I guess. It wasn't real." Adrien said to Plagg, but he was also trying to tell himself that it wasn't real.

Suddenly, Adrien's alarm clock went off. He slammed it to turn the awful sound off. He pushed his blanket away from him and got up from his bed. He took a quick shower and dressed himself for school. His father had promised him to have breakfast together this morning, but Adrien didn't have his hopes up. His father always promised things, but always broke them.

Plagg hid under Adrien's shirt before he opened the door of his room. He walked down the stairs, up to the dining room. He opened the big, high doors of the dining room and walked in. 

"Good morning Nathalie." Adrien said as he walked in. Nathalie smiled. 
"Good morning Adrien, please take a seat, you're breakfast will be ready soon." She said.

Nathalie was always serious, no matter what was going on. Adrien knew that was because his father told her to, but he would love to see her laugh sometimes.

Adrien sat down at the head of the table, waiting for his breakfast. 
"Ask for some cheese." Plagg whispered from under his shirt. As Adrien wanted to quietly respond to the kwami, he saw Nathalie looking his way. 

"Shh. . ." He shushed Plagg and coughed it away. "Sorry, dry throat." He said and laughed awkwardly at Nathalie.

The chef came in with a plate for Adrien. He put it down in front of him and lifted the cover. 
"Enjoy." he said and walked away. 
"Thank you!" Adrien replied.

He sadly looked at Nathalie. "He's not coming, is he?" He asked. Nathalie sighed, sick of having to tell Adrien the same story everyday. "I don't think so. I'll check on him okay?" She said. Adrien nodded. 

When Nathalie had left the room, Plagg showed up from under Adrien's shirt. 
"Croissants? Again? Why won't they give you cheese?!" He said as he looked at Adrien's plate with breakfast. There were two freshly baked croissants on it. "Well, croissants are good too. Maybe you should open up to something else than cheese?" Adrien asked, knowing his kwami would never. 
"What?! No! Cheese will never forgive me if I do that. And besides, there's nothing better than cheese." 
"Right. . ." Adrien said and sighed, as he took a bite of his croissant.

The door opened and Plagg disappeared under Adrien's shirt again. It was Nathalie.
"I'm sorry Adrien, but your father is. . ." 
"I knew it." Adrien interrupted her and looked sadly at his plate. 

One breakfast. . . That's all I ask. . . 

During his breakfast, his dream kept replaying in his head. Was it a sign? Was his father doing something dangerous? Adrien knew it was just a dream, and probably meant nothing, but what if it did?

A/N: Hey! I hope you enjoyed the first part of my story! Thank you for reading! Well, onto the next chapter!

xx N

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒈𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒆 𝑵𝒂𝒎𝒆 - 𝐴 𝑀𝑖𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑜𝑢𝑠 𝑆ℎ𝑜𝑟𝑡 𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦Where stories live. Discover now