The Ladybug Miraculous

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"We can't let him get away!" Ladybug screamed, as her and Chat Noir were blown away by the pigeons again, drawing further away from their target, Mr. Pigeon.

"Why is he so much stronger?!" She screamed, trying to get above the sound of the million's of pigeons flapping their wings to create a storm.
"I don't know M'lady, but I do know that we can defeat him. We've done it a cat-astrophic amount of times before, so we can do it now too." Chat Noir tried to reassure his lady not to lose hope. "Try your Lucky Charm?" He suggested.
"Good idea. Lucky Ch- Ah!!!" Ladybug screamed as she got hit by Mr. pigeons new power: Bird Fever.

"Ha-Ha! Everyone in Paris will get a little bird fever! Ha, who am I kidding, a very bad bird fever!" Mr. Pigeon said, as he cheered his hit.

Ladybug instantly became very dazed and wandered off, falling off the roof top, Chat just being a second to late to grab her hand.

"M'lady!" He screamed as she fell down. He jumped after her to catch her, but the pigeons were first. They lifted her into the sky, and flew off.

Chat followed the birds. The whole swarm had covered Ladybug up. He couldn't see her. He heard his lady coughing and sneezing, as she was being flew over to. . . . A tree?! Two pigeons flew out of the swarm, as a bright pink light came out of the tiny space between the thousands of pigeons. The birds dropped Ladybug into the tree and let her fall down as they flew away.

That light. . . Her miraculous!

Chat realized the two pigeons had taken her miraculous, that that was what the pink light was for.

Her detransformation. . .

Chat rushed himself over to the tree, wanting to make sure his lady was okay.
"Ladybug?!" He asked as he was trying to find her in the bushes surrounding the tree.
"Th-they took my miracu- *cough cough* culous! You ha-have to *Achoo* go-go after them!" She said.

The bird fever had taken her over. She was super sick. Chat couldn't leave her like this. She was destransformed, sick and vulnerable. But how was he supposed to help her, without finding out who she is?

"I can't leave you here!" He said, hoping she would come up with a good plan, like she always would.
"You have too. The- *cough* There's no other way."
"I need you to be save first!" Chat replied.
"But I'm detransformed! You *cough* can't he-help me!" She replied. Chat Noir knew he wouldn't be able to battle any Akuma on his own while being worried about Ladybug. He needed her to be okay.

It was awfully quiet for a while, as Chat Noir was quickly trying to come up with a way to help his lady, and follow the pigeons at the same time. He had to hurry, because the pigeons were getting away.

"M'lady?" He asked after a minute of thinking. She didn't respond to him.
"Ladybug?" He asked again, but she still didn't respond. He walked through the bushes, trying to figure out why she wasn't responding. He saw the end of one of Ladybug's pigtails on the ground. He knew she was lying there.

"Ladybug?" He asked once more, to check if it wasn't just because she hadn't heard him the two times before. But still, she didn't respond.

Oh no. . . I think she passed out. . .

What am I supposed to do? I can't leave her here, but I need to follow those pigeons and I can't figure out who she is! But maybe, if I don't tell her that I know. . . There would be no problem. . . 

Chat knew this was wrong, but he cared too much for Ladybug.

I'll take her to my own room, and write her a note that I will explain why she's in Adrien's room when I get back to her. I think that's the best thing to do. . .

He hesitated to walk through the final bush, but he had a plan, and it would work. So, he quickly jumped through the bush, to get it over with. He stared at the detransformed Ladybug and gasped as his eyes widened. 


𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒈𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒆 𝑵𝒂𝒎𝒆 - 𝐴 𝑀𝑖𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑜𝑢𝑠 𝑆ℎ𝑜𝑟𝑡 𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦Where stories live. Discover now