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"It is a privilege to be chosen as a werecat. Take advantage of this opportunity - don't screw up! Because after you die again, there will be no more of you, [Name] [Last Name]."

She nodded before her last breath was taken away.

Although her death had completely devoured her body, [Name] managed to record those last echoing words into her memory, or at least some of it. She felt cold at first, but a blanket of warmth soon wrapped all over, from head to toe.

Her hearing flipped on like a megaphone, able to clearly listen to the chatter of humans and honking cars suddenly booming around her. Her sense of smell activated and [Name] could inhale air once again - except it was stronger, more sensitive. Her body slowly became lighter; her weight limped and felt as if the world was spinning.

The lungs in her chest started to inflate and deflate with fresh air. Then, suddenly, she could hear thumping: her beating heart was alive once again, except that beating pattern was new.

"Process has been complete. Case closed."

The sound of a gavel smashing against polished wood caused [Name] to flinch awake finally.

Her eyes flashed open only to shut them tightly once again. The sunrays burned her eye sockets as if she saw sunlight for the first time. Not only that, but she was frightened by how sensitive her sight had gotten, like everything seemed more focused and sharp. Checking her surroundings, she realized she was lying in the middle of a cold sidewalk and felt her eyes widen.

"EW!" She sat up abruptly on her butt, except not as tall as she was used to. The buildings were extra taller than she remembered. "What is going on? Where am I?"

Her head whipped side to side, up and down, comparing everything to the miniature height she wasn't aware of. She attempted to stand but fell straight on her side, while nearby pedestrians walking by were now avoiding the stray in the middle of the sidewalk, grimacing down at her.

"Well fuck you, too, jerkwad." She rolled her glaring eyes, flinching when something suddenly pulled at her back. She whirled around, wide-eyed, only to find nothing; then she whirled back around when her back was pulled again.

"What the... WHO ARE YOU?!" She continued to whirl around nonstop as it kept on pulling...

Little did she know it was her own tail following each time she flipped around.

A nearby child saw that a cat was going in circles now and stops in his tracks, letting out a high-pitched giggle as his finger pointed at the silly animal before him. [Name] halted her facade when she sensed the child and stared.

"Oh, hello. Can you help me, little boy?" She only took one step forward before the child gasped and decided to pick up a rock from the ground in fright. As she kept on stepping forth, the boy begins to shout, "No! Bad!" and throws the rock so she could dodge it.

"Hey! What is your-!" A rock whacked atop her head. She growled and stared at the child, about to charge at him.

"Stay away, you have fleas!" he shouted as he kept throwing rocks while she struggled to dodge them; her legs wobbled as they were still limp like a baby deer.

"Ah-hey! Whoah-STOP THAT!"

"Scary kitty!" The boy shrieked at her spitting hiss and sped off.

"Huh? Kitty?" She tilted her head, staring into the trail of dust he left behind, confused as to what just happened. "What is wrong with children nowadays?"

"Oh? What are you doing in the middle of the street?" Another voice from behind startled her, but before she could even react, a pair of hands grasped around her body and picked her up.

"Whoah!" She was held high as she floated back to the sidewalk before being turned around to stare at a... very, very well-groomed man. He was close enough that she could sniff his sweet scent, and to catch the name tag pinned on shirt. "Sebastian Michaelis?"

"Ah, you're a lovely female," said Sebastian, causing her to jitter in his hands. She glanced away from him, suddenly feeling shy. Although he was stupidly handsome, she was distracted to the fact that she was held in mid-air so easily.

"Uhm...Please put me down, sir."

"Mew~ Meooow!" is what she actually sounded like to Sebastian.

"Look at you, such a beautiful kitty," he said, lightly blushing at her delicate mewing vocals. "Though you're rather dusty and could use a bath."

"Kitty?!" She swatted at him but he pulled back in time, chuckling. He was ecstatic over her, while nearby pedestrians looked over their shoulders at the only man who was fanatic over a random, frizzy, angry cat.

"My, my... You're one feisty one. I'm guessing you're a stray cat?" His hand patted her head affectionately and she winced in shock.

"Again with the cat stuff... Are you some kind of pervert?" She continued to squirm, until her stomach growled- she froze for a moment.

"So that's why you're being difficult," he said, flashing a dazzling smile. "If you behave, I'll gift you some food."

"Food?!" Her eyes twinkled for a moment and she even... "What-did I almost... purr?" She suddenly snapped back at the situation and continued to squirm in annoyance. This man was causing her to act strange, and she did not like it. "Mr. Sebastian, put me down at once! And why does everyone keep calling me-"

Then she saw it and finally stopped squirming. Leaning in closer towards Sebastian, through his gentle, scarlet irises (though oddly colored) she saw her own reflection. Not the reflection she once knew-[E/C] eyes and a full set of [H/C] hair framing her face-but the reflection of another species.

"I'm..." She blinked, oblivious that she was now being held like a baby in his arms. "A cat?"

"Seems like you've calmed down," Sebastian whispered as he gently stroked the tips of her ears.

She was a slender cat with short, jet black fur and a long tail that currently hung lifeless between her limp legs. At least now she understood who was 'pulling at her back', but...

"Why a cat? What did I do wrong?"

[Name] let her ears fall back in disappointment and looked at up at him. "Hey, Sebastian... can you understand me?" She mewed once more and Sebastian felt a chord being pulled in his heart.

"Nope..." She lowered her head and he frowned, deeply pensive as he began scratching under her chin. At first she cringed, wanting to pull back, but submitted at the tip of his delicate finger. She was actually purring at his gentle stroke, and she didn't know how she was doing it. "Guess I have no choice but adapt, though I have no clue."

"Pets aren't allowed at my condo," he hummed, using a free hand to brush back strands of dark hair. "But I can't just leave you out here to die." Cradling the stunned animal at his chest, Sebastian undid the scarf around his neck so he could wrap her in it.

[Name] stared at this man with her new, almond-shaped cat eyes; pupils dilating as his shadow overtook her when he pulled out a handkerchief to wipe the dirt off her face. He was gentle, and she was strangely taken aback.

"Are you...?"

"I'm taking you home," he finished her question and tightened his grip around the curve of her back, carefully holding her as he began to hurry back home. "I'll take care of you, Kuro."

"Huh?!" She snapped up at him, disapproving of the name he'd suddenly given her. "Excuse you... My name is not Kuro. My name is [Name]-ahh whatever. You can't understand me anyway..." She huffed silently and laid back in defeat, staring in bewilder at her black paws that were folded in front of her, pushing out her new claws before retrieving them back in.

"I guess this is real after all."


ღHis Kittenღ {Sebastian Michaelis}Where stories live. Discover now