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They say heaven is the most tranquil and happiest place on Earth. They say that heaven is a place of peace after you bite the dust. Rolling green hills, endless fields of rare and beautiful flowers, ethereal people with magnificent wings, and crystal clear lakes that sparkle in the sun's warm glow. 

Whoever told you that is bullshitting you. Heaven is a place of order and if you step out of line, your wings are clipped and you are sent to Hell. Sure it is beautiful here and all the angels are happy with themselves. 

Well, except me.

I, Kim Taehyung, hate being an obedient angel. 

While we are alive we all wonder what's beyond the grave. We worship the unknown just so we can have a place in a world we don't even know exists. You're sent to hell if you lie to your mother about how your shoes got muddy while walking home on a humid day. You are sent to hell for cheating on a test you forgot to study for. People tell you that one little thing wrong can ruin your life after death. 

In my opinion life is the beginning of a joke and you don't get the punchline until you die. One big punchline that either ruins the religion of all the believers or your chance of seeing Heaven. In reality, Heaven isn't what it's said to be anyway. 

To be an angel you have to do as Namjesus tells you. No cussing, no fighting, no drinking, no smoking, and you can't even be angry! Anything but happiness is frowned upon in Heaven. But the number one rule that is burned into your head as soon as you cross those gates is:

No talking with demons. Resist their temptation. 

You will be thrown into Hell if anyone sees you talking with a demon. 

"Hey Taehyung, it's time for your rounds!" My angel roommate Jimin called from above me. He was flying over the fluffy cloud I was laying on, frosty white wings sparkling in the mid afternoon sun. 

I cracked an eye open with a heavy groan, not wanting to get up from my comfortable position. The sound of wings flapping grew closer until Jimin had landed on the cloud beside me. He flopped down into a sitting position, his fluffy candyfloss colored hair falling into dooey brown eyes. 

"Namjoon wants to see you before you start. He said it was urgent," the elder said, voice laced with sadness. It was like he knew what the higher angel was going to say and I wouldn't doubt that he did. 

I stood, my feet sinking slightly into the cloud. I ajusted my all white attire (It's mandatory for all the angel's to wear white with your job's crest over your heart.) before turning my gaze back on Jimin. "Can we have lamb skewers tonight, Hyung? I know I'm going to need a little pick-me-up after this," I murmured dejectly, pouting with my best puppy dog eyes. 

"Ugh, fine! You better get going before Namjoon sends his troops on you again," Jimin shooed me away before laying back in my previous position. 

I scowled at the other before stretching my wings and hovering in the sky. "Bye Jiminie!" I shouted as I flew away from my resting spot. 

The wind rippled through my blonde hair, a calming feeling that settled my nerves just slightly. The last time Namjesus wanted to talk to me was because I had forgotten to lock Heaven's gates and a pack of demons had gotten in. I was thrown in a cell for three days. 

Trust me it's a lot harsher than it sounds. 

The angles below me looked away in detest as they saw me fly passed. I'm the angel of questions and we were taught that questions get you thrown in Hell. I had that principle beaten into my head several times before I finally understood. I needed to keep my lips zipped and emotions hidden far behind a barrier in my mind. A mask of emotions so well hidden that even angels can't decipher it. Heck, even Hades would have a run for his money. 

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