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The next day came a lot faster than intended. I could barely sleep last night because of the nerves twisting and turning in my stomach. What if something goes wrong and Yoongi can't tempt a higher angel? That's not going to happen because he's Hades's son, a pureblood demon.

Wasn't he? I mean I've never heard him talk about his mother so I would assume she was also a demon and left the family when he was younger. 

Said demon was currently laying on his back in bed beside me. I had insisted that it was okay for him to sleep with me because after all he was my guest. My head was rested on his outstretched arm as he snored quietly in his sleep. His shaggy raven hair was in a mess ontop of his head, splayed out across the pillow and in front of his eyes. His lips were pulled into a rare smile which caused an identical one to spread across my own lips. What really caught my attention was the ring that rested on his ring finger.

I had seen it last night when we were talking but when I asked about it, he ignored me and told me he was tired. Did Yoongi have a past lover? It was on his right hand so maybe something bad happened. Or maybe it was just a gift.

I slowly reached out my hand and grabbed his right one. I brought it over his stomach and watched his face for any signs of discomfort. When the older didn't move, I glanced down a the ring on his finger. It was a sparkling silver, shining dully in the moon that leaked in through the open curtains. The initials MYG were carved into the top, a pair of devil horns after.

It was honestly really cute. Devil horns was on of the first things that Yoongi ever said to me. You would think that he did have them because his father had a pair of magma colored ones. Maybe he does but their just retractable?

"No, I don't have devil horns," Yoongi's gruff morning voice whispered into the night.

I jumped, instantly dropping his hand.  How long was he awake? How did he know what I was thinking? Can he read minds? Only one way to find out. I screamed bloody murder inside of my head to see if the demon would flinch.

"Are you screaming in your head to see if I can read your mind?" He asked, black demon eyes searching mine with a mischievous glint.

He can read minds!

"I can't read minds. It just sounds like something you would do and your nose was scrunched up like you were screaming."

"H-how did you know I was thinking about you having devil horns then?" I interrogated, narrowed icy blue eyes glaring into coal black ones.

"You were looking at the engraving on my ring and you really need to be more carefull. You should know that in Hell, you need to be a light sleeper unless you never want to wake up," Yoongi spoke, blinking his eyes so they flashed back to the warm toffee colored ones I've grown to love.

"Why don't you have horns?" I asked, quirking my head in curiosity.

"Well, I'm only half demon prince. My mom was a human. And yes, I know a demon banging a human sounds disgusting. That's why I look more human-like than most demons in hell. I don't have powers like being able to control fire like my dad. I have the Devil's strength and charming good looks so I think it makes up for not having amazing devil horns."

I smacked the demon's chest for the last quip, earning a laugh from said male. Only instead of his smiling face, his features literally dropped as he glanced down at his ring.

My stomach twisted painfully, heart cracking in my chest. Was it from a past lover? Did he love them still? A disgusting anger filled my chest at the thought and I knew instantly what this feeling was.

I was jealous.

Oh no, no, no. I can't stay jealous or I'll be going through my last feeling. It would be even harder to leave Yoongi if I go through all three.

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