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Like Jimin had said the palace was completely empty. We had ran all the way up to the throne room to see what was happening down in the market center. It looked as if every angel was gathered there in a gigantic circle. I could make out Namjesus's purple hair from the crowd, standing in the middle of everyone. He was standing beside two people tied to the posts we use to keep angels in place while we clip their wings. A sick feeling filled my stomach when I realized what was happening. He was sending my parents to Hell.

"We have to go down there and save them!" I shouted, gesturing widely towards the balcony.

"We need a plan. It could be a trap for all we know," Jimin stated, a snarl pulled on his lips when he glanced down at the crowd of angels.

"Give me your holy blade. I'll kill that demon imposter once and for all!" I shouted, outstreching my arm towards Jin.

"He's possessed! If you kill the demon, you kill Namjoon," Jin yelled back, a look of utter sadness graced his soft features.

I turned my attention to the demon in the room, who was leaning against the balcony doorway. "How do we make him leave?" I asked, crossing my fingers in my mind that the option was easy.

"It's fairly obvious. Spray holy water on him and read a certain verse out of the Bible. Don't you guys have someone for this?" Yoongi replied, tearing his gaze away from the raging crowd bellow to the three of us.

"No, we usually don't let demons into Heaven like this," Jin replied, glaring softly at the demon across the room.

"Okay, I'll go down with Yoongi and distract him while you guys wait for the right moment to tie him and then we'll go from there. Don't do it until he shows his true form, if not the angels will think that we are attacking their leader," I stated, going over the plan in my head visually as I spoke.

"Sounds good, here take this. It's not a holy blade, but it's better than nothing," Jin murmured, pulling a silver and blue handled blade out of his hidden sheath.

I took it with a small nod in thanks. I hid it in my waistband and pulled my purple sweatshirt over it. I caught Yoongi's black eyes and then I knew that we both were ready. I took of running, my wings flexing out behind me as I jumped. I let my body drop just a little before I flew up. Looking above me I could see Yoongi's beautiful raven like wings sparkling in the warm sun.

The crowd below us shouted to inform Namjoon of our appearance, pointing up at us making them look like a prickly cactus. Yoongi and I flew downward until we landed in the middle of all the angels. The screams from a mere seconds ago dulled to a harsh murmur. I glanced away to the accusing faces of my fellow angels to the two locked in posts a few feet away.

My Eomma let out a loud sob when she saw me. Fat tears ran down her tan cheeks, coffee colored eyes glistened under the sun's rays as her lips moved in soundless apologizes. My Appa wasn't any better. They both were covered in dried dirt and their wings had bare patches where feathers used to be. The sight of my sobbing parents sent anger coursing through my body.

"Oh, you guys finally decided to drop by," the purple haired imposter teased, causing the mindless drones around us to laugh.

"Shut the fuck up and show all these angels who you really are!" Yoongi shouted, pointing a harsh finger at the higher angel.

"Taehyung, keep your pet under control. Mangy mutts like him always end up being put down otherwise." At this the crowd gave each other weird glances. They've never heard their Namjesus speak so harshly of another person, even to a demon.

Yoongi drawled back ready to leap at the other demon, but I put my arm up to stop him. It wasn't part of the plan to attack him. "Let my parents go!" I yelled, eyes flicking to my parents only a few feet away.

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