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It felt like hours since I've seen or talked to another person. Jin had fallen asleep after a lot of persuassion about a few hours ago and the silence has started to get to me. I haven't even heared my parents at all since I was locked down here.

What if they were killed? No, they couldn't have been. Angels can't kill other angels.

What if they were already sent to Hell? I definitely would have heard the guards dragging two grown angels up a narrow staircase unless they are being held in the South set of cells.

My shoulders were starting to ache from not moving my wings in such a long time. On the bright side, my eyes had adjusted to the darkness so now I can see the shadows dance off the walls as a trick of the eye. Yay!

My body felt numb. It felt like this room was inside a frozen lake and the mud cakeing to my clothes wasn't helping anything. My sense of smell had been lost about an hour after I was put in here. The stench in here burns your nose until you can't smell anything anymore.

Just then, the soft noise of a door opening filled my ears. I stiffened, holding my breath as a white light filled the darkness. I brought my knees closer to my chest, watching the movement of two figures from over my knees. The sound of whispering could be heard but it was too quiet to make out the words. That is until they got a little.

"Do you think he's in the north cells?"

"Are you fucking stupid? His feathers were on the stairs."

Oh, only one person I know in Heaven would cuss like that.


"Yoongi, I'm over here!" I whisper-shouted, chains rattling as I tried to move closer to signal them in.

The noise awoke Jin. A happy sound left his lips as he noticed the ball of light and my react.

"Tae, we're coming!" Jimin exclaimed and then the sound of there thundering footsteps echoed throughout the room.

"We're getting out, Jin!" I couldn't help but shout out in excitement.

Jimin pushed open my cell door and immediately shot his light at a nearby torch. The light cast a warm glow across the two free male's stunned faces. Jimin knealt down in front if me, grabbing my hand in his.

"Are you okay?" He rushed out, searching my body for any serious injuries.

I nodded my head in reply before gesturing to the cell beside mine. "Jin hyung is in the cell over there," I said, earning a quiet hello from said male.

Jimin gasped before running over to see if the King of Angels was okay. Yoongi took Jimin's place and instead of looking for injuries, his toffee colored eyes searched my blue ones.

"Where are you hurt?" He asked, gently pushing some of my blonde locks out of my face.

"I'm not hu-"

"Bullshit I can see it in your eyes."

"My wings have been torn, feathers are falling off, and my head's a little foggy. Of course I would be in pain," I muttered dejectedly, glancing away from my soulmate.

"I'll get you out in a second," Yoongi stated, standing up from his crounched position.

I put my hands up quickly to stop the demon. "They're holy chains. You'll burn yourself," I pleaded the other.

"Well, it's either that, leave you here, or you rip your wings off. I'd rather do the former," Yoongi chuckled sarcastically, but you could clearly see he was scared nonetheless.

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