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I woke to a throbbing ache in my head. I groaned, reaching up to caress the source of my discomfort. A spike of pain shot up my spine when I tried to flex my wing. Oh god, did I hit the ground? Am I dead? Why would I be waking up then? I was already dead to begin with.

"You are in so much trouble, Kim," My roommate's voice warned, nearly scaring me to death.

Nope, not dead but I'm about to be.

I cracked my eyes open with much difficulty only to shut them once more as the light seeping in through the window burned my eyes. Someone's hand rested on my own, bringing it down from my head and to rest over my stomach. I opened my eyes once again, squinting against the bright light.

It looked to be early morning because I could hear that annoying bird chirping outside of my window like it does every morning. I was laying on my bed with my wings spread out across it. My blood ran cold at the sight of the bent left wing, feathers caked in dried blood and dirt. Jimin and Hoseok were stood over my bed, looking down upon me with a mixture of fear and worry. I found myself searching the room for Yoongi.

He wasn't anywhere. Not even in the far corner by the dresser. I don't know why, but my heart seemed to drop and my stomach flipped uncomfortably.

"You summoned a demon in Heaven! Why, Taehyung?" Jimin exclaimed, lips pulled into a frown.

"I-I-" I trailed off, throat dry and scratching from lack of use. I coughed before continuing, "I needed to help my parents."

"You're parents? What happened to them?" Hoseok chimed in, gooey brown eyes wide with worry.

"Th-they were caught con-contacting a demon. They're be-being sent to H-hell," I stuttered out, clenching my eyes closed as tears threatened to fall.

Both of the male's gasped in suprise. Didn't Jimin already know? He is Namjesus's servant so he had to have known. Maybe he wasn't told because Jimin and I are close and it would have effected his work.

"So you yourself summoned not just any demon, but the Prince of Hell to save your parents?" The pink haired angel questioned slowly as if he was still comprehending the information himself.

"I had no other choice. He can tempt Namjoon into letting them go. Besides, he isn't like the demons we were told about. He's sweet and caring!" I shouted, going to sit up on my bed. I whimpered as spikes of pain shot down my spine when I moved my wings. My right wing wrapped around myself when I managed to sit up.

"Okay, okay, we can fix this. We can help you," Hoseok murmured and Jimin nodded in agreement.

"You could have told us to begin with. We would have helped you."

"I didn't want you guys to get hurt."

"I would slap you right now, but you're already hurt enough," Jimin teased, chuckling softly.

"Which reminds me, did I hit the ground?" I asked, gestering towards my sore wing.

"We aren't exactly sure. You'll have to ask the demon. All I know is that he came into the house in the middle of the night, shouting for me. I was terrified because a strange man was carrying my passed out roommate. He laid you on the bed and started to explain what happened. I called Hoseok over shortly after and here we are," Jimin explained, glancing out my bedroom door where Yoongi probably was.

I laughed slightly, a stupid smile gracing my lips. "Can I talk to him?" I asked, following Jimin's gaze towards the door.

Hoseok nodded before leading Jimin out of the room. I sighed heavily, pulling myself off of my bed, stumbling on shaking legs. My left wing hung limp at my side while the other was still wrapped around my aching body. I slumped over to the mirror a few feet from my bed to see how bad I actually was. My hair was an absolute wreck. I don't think I've seen my blonde locks any worse than they are today. My shirt had been changed to a light purple sweatshirt but my pants were ripped and covered in dirt and what looked to be blood. My once beautifully smooth wings that started out as a light grey and ended in a pure white were matted and the feathers stuck out in weird places. That wasn't even the worst part. The end was folded into the middle like a little kid had gotten into a chapter book and started to fold some of the pages at random.

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