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"Kim Taehyung, why is there a forbidden fruit on the kitchen table?" Jimin shouted from presumably the kitchen. 

My heart stopped in my chest as I dashed as fast as I could from my bedroom to the kitchen. I snatched the fruit from Jimin's hands and held it close to my chest. 

"I've acquired a weird liking for the sour taste," I lied, earning an eyebrow raise from the servant angel. 

Jimin is the highest servant angel in all of Heaven. He tends to Namjesus and Jin directly which means I get all of the rumors of happens from a reliable source. Jimin would surely tell me if I had been caught brewing a potion to summon a demon. 

"Mm, just keep your nasty food choices off of the kitchen table. The place is going to smell tart for the rest of the day."

"I'm sorry, hyung."

"You better be," Jimin teased before ruffling my hair haphazardly. 

I huffed out an annoyed breath, glaring softly at the shorter male. "Shouldn't you be at work?" I asked, leaning against the peach colored wall of our kitchen.

"I came back to make sure you had gotten out of bed before your rounds. Recently I haven't even see you out of your room!" The pink haired angel exclaimed, cocoa colored eyes wide as to emphasize his claim. 

He was right. For the past three days I have been setting up the potion to summon the demon that Jungguk had told me about. The last thing I need to add is half of a forbidden fruit which I was going to add when I knew no one was going to be around. I have been sleeping pretty late so I don't wake up until late afternoon. Which reminds me, I really need to fix my sleep schedule. 

"Night watch has really been taking a toll on me. I've been more tired than usually," I murmured, faking a yawn. This wasn't a total lie. I have been more tired than usual. 

Jimin cooed at the sight, walking closer to place a hand on my forearm. "Aw, I'll talk to Namjesus about getting you afternoon watch. You'll get sick if you keep over working yourself like this." 

"Thank you Jiminie, but I quite like night shift. It's quiet and no one is there to tell me what to do." 

The pink haired angel laughed at my statement, eyes crinkling in their mirth. "If you say it's okay. Anyway I better get going before Namjoon notices I'm not at the palace." He rushed, grabbing his small bag on the island before turning back to me with a big smile. "I'll see you tomorrow morning?"

"I'll see you later, hyung."

With that Jimin dashed out of the house and the fluttering of his wings could be heard outside. 

When I knew I was alone, my smile instantly fell from my lips. I know I must look like a psycho. It's the mask I wear while around the people I don't want to worry about me. It's getting so much harder for me to break down my walls so I can actually feel. I've been made into a mindless drone who pretends to be something he's not. 

I'm locked inside of a prison and the one person who's supposed to grant my freedom had swallowed the key. 

With the forrbiden fruit in hand I walked back to my room. It was quite large, having my bed floating about a foot off of the ground with a weird light shining underneath. Don't question it; it's an angel thing. A sliding glass door led to a small porch where I usually start my rounds, two potted geraniums sat on the window sill while the grey curtains were pulled closed, a bookshelf filled with Heaven approved books sat in front of the far light blue colored wall, and a full body mirror hung from the wall closest to the hallway. 

I rushed over to my closet and pulled a glass bowl from the very back. It was filled with a murky liquid that smelled of regret and sorrow (If physical emotions had a smell that is). It was time. Time to save my parents before it's to late. 

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