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The First Ones ship was fast - Obviously - It was capable of travelling between planets and solar systems, of course it was fast. It was capable of getting whoever was in it around Etheria rapidly if that was what they wanted. It could get someone to the other side of the planet in under an hour if that was what they wanted. It could get them to the farthest moon of Etheria in about the same time if that was what they wanted. Mara's ship, ancient as it was now, was still an absolute marvel of both First Ones technology, and of known technology in general, the Galactic Horde aside.

If they wanted, this ship could get someone from it's starting location, to an obscure village a hundred miles from its starting position within a few minutes. It couldn't go full speed because that would, according to the AI that inhabited the ship, not end well at all. But it wouldn't take long one way or the other.

Why this trip felt like it was taking longer came down to nerves.

"...So, uh... Are you nervous?"

Catra's tail flicked on its own at the question. She didn't say anything, just watching the land pass by as they flew above it, headed to their destination at a speed she couldn't begin to calculate. Trees were a blur, clouds passed by in rapid succession, and hills far away moved quickly as well.

That was all easier to focus on. Much easier to focus on.

It was strange, but not really unexpected. She hadn't been nervous about ten minutes ago, but the realization that this was actually happening seemed to hit her harder the closer they got to their destination. As reality began to sink in more and more.

In her head, it was easy to admit - Yes, absolutely she was.

She wasn't sure what was going to happen once the ship landed. If she were being completely honest, she half expected there to be a fistfight - And she didn't want that. She was tired of fighting. All the reasons for fighting were gone.

The war was over.

....Personal conflicts weren't though. And there were a lot of those to go around thanks to the war.

.... And plenty were thanks to her own actions.

Having nerves like this was still foreign to Catra. She'd never had time to really reflect on them before like this. Maybe the closest she got to nerves like this was after she'd been rescued by Adora and the rest from the Galactic Horde, and had her chip removed, and approached them afterwards. That was the closest it got. This was different though. This was a situation she was walking into a hundred percent of her own accord.

The nerves felt different now.

Adora bowed slightly, tilting her head to try to get a better look at Catra's expression. It gave away pretty much everything there was to give away - Obviously she was nervous. It made sense. Even back in the Horde, it wasn't like she would have expected this to fill her with joy and excitement. Now she looked... Anxious. Something that she wasn't used to seeing on Catra's face.

Before she could say anything though, Catra spoke.

"...I guess so."

"...To be honest I'm kind of surprised you admitted it."

"Yeah, well, someone told me I need to be more open with that sort of thing, so, here we are." Catra gave her half-joking-but-also-half-serious reply, look, and smirk, before she let out a long sigh. She scratched at the back of her neck, feeling in particular at where her chip had used to be. She shuddered slightly, before she turned to her girlfriend. "...Are you?"

This time, Adora paused, but it was only for a couple of seconds. "...A bit. We didn't exactly leave on the best of terms last time we saw each other." Adora let out a small sigh of her own. She didn't have a much better track record if she were being completely honest. Not over the last couple of years, anyway. Then she placed her hand on Catra's shoulder, and gave her a warm smile of encouragement and endearment. "Then again, you and I didn't, and look at us now."

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