One, Two, Three, Four, Five

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"I was starting to wonder if you'd run off."

As soon as she was within earshot of the ship, Catra was greeted by Adora's teasing. She must have spotted the feline girl from the ship's cockpit or something, and made her way to the ramp to greet her, as when Catra first saw her, she was halfway down the ramp already, and making her way down to the ground level.

There was a visible energy to her - One that Catra hadn't seen all day. She seemed less anxious and more happy. More relaxed. More like, well, how she normally was, before this whole series of events had been thrown into motion.

Her talks with the others must have gone well, Catra guessed.

"Unfortunately not." Catra replied with a smirk once she was closer. "You've not gotten rid of me that easily."

"That's a victory in my book." Adora answered with a smug expression, folding her arms like she had accomplished a victory of some sort.

Catra rolled her eyes, still smirking as she came to a stop at the foot of the ramp, a hand on her waist and an eyebrow raised. "You look like you're in a good mood. Everything go well?"

"Can't I ever just be happy to see you?"

Melog took the opportunity to quickly make it's way over to Adora, where it rubbed itself against her leg like an affectionate cat would. That made Adora's smug smirk just grow wider and wider as she scratched the creature behind the ears - Given that Melog was essentially a conduit for Catra's emotions at any given time, it's affectionate attitude towards Catra told her girlfriend pretty much everything she needed.

Awkwardly avoiding Adora's look, Catra looked to the sides, trying to hide the reddening of her cheeks. "Something tells me that you wouldn't be this happy to see me if your chats with those three had gone horrendously."

Adora shrugged, and looked back up the ramp. The bright look on her face didn't go anywhere. "I think they went well. Really well."


"Yeah." Adora turned back to Catra, and took a few steps closer to her. "We talked a lot about how stuff used to be back in the Horde, back when we were kids - It was... Fun."

The smile on her face grew. Presumably she was going over the chats that they all had. Her memories of childhood were more pleasant than Catra's had been. It wasn't something Catra imagined she'd be able to share with Kyle, Lonnie, and Rogelio, but seeing the smile on Adora's face made her smile too.

"Did you... Talk about me? Or, well, us, I guess?"

"I, er, told Lonnie about us." Adora confessed, glancing aside and scratching the back of her own head. "It seemed uh, relevant."

"How'd she take it?"

"She was... Not surprised."

Catra nodded, nonplussed. "Yeah, Rogelio and Kyle weren't either... You know they took bets on how long it'd take us to end up together?"

"...That would explain why Kyle said Lonnie 'Lost'." Adora said flatly, in a moment of realization. "I didn't know what the heck he was talking about."

"Well, there you go." Catra shrugged, folding her arms. "That's what he meant."

A small smile crept onto her expression, thinking back to whatever moments might have given up how she felt about Adora back in the Horde. She wondered if there was any one moment, or if it was a series of smaller moments that built up the idea in all their heads. From her perspective, she's always been in love with Adora, so it was hard for her to put a pin in exactly where those feelings became prominent and paramount, and made her wonder if it had been obvious from day one for everyone else.

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