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"...Do you really wanna do this?"

Catra glanced at Adora, and then looked back down out the scenery around Brightmoon. The pair of them had managed to make their way onto one of the roofs of the palace, and could see for miles and miles around. It reminded her of their spot in the Fright Zone, only more colourful, and a lot less smoggy.

Being like this reminded Catra of the old days, before Adora left the Horde. Before everything happened. When things were... Good.

Not better.

Not anymore.

Things as they were right now were better. So much better. Better than the Horde. She didn't need to constantly feel the shame of not living up to expectations placed on her by Shadow Weaver or the rest of the Horde, or fear what was going to happen if she failed those expectations. She didn't need to worry what Adora thought or felt about her.

...But she liked to remain in those memories a bit from. When things weren't as complicated, and history felt cleaner, and less stained with blood and broken knuckles and hearts. A weird sense of nostalgia, she supposed.

Today though, those memories weren't as comforting as they were normally.

It had been a few hours since Scorpia had rushed to tell Catra and Adora that she had managed to find Lonnie, Kyle and Rogelio, and that she had been able to convince them to meet and speak with them. She'd had so much energy and passion at the idea of the people she cared about being able to resolve their issues, neither Adora nor Catra had really been able to turn her down.

Neither of them had had time to think about it though. Not really.

There had been so much conflict between all of them at this point, it almost felt like trying to find the pieces of a broken mirror and gluing them back together.

Where to even begin? Adora abandoning the Horde, or Catra's abuse of power within the Horde? The dozens of times they had fought She-Ra, or the times Catra had put them all in danger? Or did they go deeper, back to their childhoods? It wasn't like growing up together had been nothing but sunshine and rainbows.

Still... Weirder things had happened than gluing a broken mirror back together.

"...Yeah, I.... I do." Catra replied after a few seconds of silence. "I think.... Yeah, I... I do."


Looking at Adora, Catra raised an eyebrow. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"I just.... It's not like you ever really got on with them." Adora said, explaining herself plainly and bluntly, like she knew Catra would prefer. "It just seems... Odd, for you."

Her eyebrow dropped, and she shrugged. "Yeah.... Well, I guess your goody two-shoes act rubbed off on me."

"Come again?"

Now Catra turned her head to look up at the moons in the sky, letting out a long exhale as she did. "I... Adora, can I ask you something?"

"I just asked you something though."

"It's relevant, honestly."

Now Adora raised an eyebrow, and tilted her head. Still, she acquiesced. "Okay then. Go for it."

"...Do you think I've changed?"

The look Adora's face made told Catra that she'd managed to catch the blonde off guard. Her face went blank for a moment, and she leaned back slightly. Didn't matter how, whenever she knew she'd managed to surprise Adora, it always made her smirk.

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