Supposed To Do

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There was a clear frustration in the way Lonnie worked.

It was visible in the way she moved, the way she built, and the way she would carelessly toss rocks vaguely where they were supposed to go, deciding that would be good enough, and then continuing on. It was easy enough to recognize, because Catra had found herself doing the same from time to time back in the Horde.

Work to distract her from the feelings and frustrations she'd suffered then. Sometimes it meant that the work suffered in terms of quality, but quality wasn't on the mind when one was in that state. Just a distraction.

One thing she'd learned from that though?

Typically, she didn't want to be interrupted when she was in that state of mind.

And perhaps if they had more time here than the one day they had set aside to visit here before returning to the rest of the rebuilding work they would have to do before setting out into the wider universe to return magic to it, Catra would have let that feeling be respected. Right now she didn't have much of a choice though.

Though she certainly was starting to regret doing this on her own.

"I'm gonna guess this is yours."

When she spoke, she was about six feet away from Lonnie. The working woman either hadn't seen her, or had and had chosen to just ignore her approach. Whatever the case was, when she heard Catra speak, Lonnie paused for a solid three seconds, before she actually turned to face her former squadmate. Not her full body though - She stood so her front was facing the wall, her shoulders pointed towards Catra, and her head turned to look in the same direction. Her expression was that of a glare.

She didn't look surprised. Just irritated.

Catra presented the hammer in her hand, holding it up clearly so that Lonnie would be able to see the hammer. It probably didn't take Lonnie more than a glance to recognize the thing, but she stared at it for a few seconds, like she was expecting Catra to do something with it. When she seemed satisfied that Catra wasn't going to do... Anything with it, she looked back at Catra.

"Yeah. That's mine."

A few more seconds passed, this time in total silence.

"...Do you want it?" Catra asked, eyebrow raised.

"Just drop it on the ground there."

Doing as instructed, Catra tossed the hammer roughly halfway towards Lonnie, letting it hit the ground. Lonnie then stepped forward and picked it up, weighing it in her hand once it was back in her palm. The entire time she didn't stop glaring at Catra though, still expecting some kind of jump attack. She pointedly didn't thank, or show any sort of appreciation for the hammers return.

She then turned back towards the rocks she was moving, and then suddenly slammed the hammer against one.

The force from Lonnie's physical strength, the weight of the hammer, the design of the hammer, and what Catra could only assume was fury personified, all combined to shatter the rock into a few dozen pieces. Once the shards settled, Lonnie scooped them up into the bucket - Filling for the inside of the walls.

A shiver made its way up Catra's spine on reflex once the hammer hit the rock. That explained why she was using a hammer for a dry-stone wall, she supposed, though she reckoned that that particular display was designed to speak to Catra without actually speaking to her.

To get across that she wasn't in the mood to be friendly with her, and make it clear what exactly she could do if she felt like it.

"...You're welcome." The short-haired woman muttered, folding her arms, and glancing sideways.

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