Ration Bars

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The village that Kyle, Lonnie and Rogelio had ended up at was called Geossphire - A mining village by common trade. It was located near a high concentration of special minerals, ranging from commonly known ones like Sapphires, to lesser known, magic infused ones called Saphispheres. That made the backbone of the local economic income for the village, and it was why it had been a target for the Horde many times throughout the war. Valuable minerals for the war machine.

It was a region that had seen its fair share of the war. From the skies, Catra had been able to see some of the damage done by the war around the place. Craters and the likes, now covered by new-growing grass and wildlife. Some sheets of metal and ruined machines that hadn't been cleared out yet. Given the importance of this place though, there were far less instances of leftover warfare than she expected there to be.

There hadn't been any cleanups sent up here yet though. Glimmer had had to focus on sending those crews to the higher populated areas. So that had to mean the locals had sorted their own surroundings out.

Kyle hadn't been wrong at all - The presence of the legendary She-Ra had made one heck of an impact on the villagers who just a few minutes ago, had been as concerned as any community would have been who just survived an alien occupation would have been at the sight of a landing spaceship.

But that had gone in an instant when they realized that the person on board that ship had been the person who had stopped that alien invasion from continuing - The face of the Rebellion, the fighter of the Horde, the Saviour of Etheria, whatever other names they had come up with for her. When they realized who was here the entire village nearly erupted into some sort of makeshift celebration. This had happened at nearly every town and village Adora had visited in the last couple of weeks, and she'd always found herself being dragged along with it.

Catra couldn't help but smirk at it - The mighty She-Ra, dragged away by some overexcited villagers. This seemed to happen in every village they went to but it never stopped amusing her.

It didn't amuse her former squadmates though.

The air of hostility from Lonnie was still as palpable as it had been the second they arrived, even as more time passed. It was clear she didn't want them there at all - the minute they were in the borders of the village, she just left Catra on her own, heading off to... Do whatever it was she was planning on doing today, Catra supposed.

Lucky for her though, Kyle and Rogelio didn't leave her. And they were less unamused and more... Unsure what to do with themselves around their former Force Captain.

"I erm..." Kyle muttered, once a few awkward moments had passed and no one said anything. "I'm... Sorry, about Lonnie. Please don't be too upset with her? She's... Still upset after everything. I don't think she even really wanted to meet with you two today, but Scorpia insisted and..."

Catra sighed, "It's fine. I get it. I wasn't exactly the nicest commander in the Horde."

Rogelio and Kyle glanced at one another, before staring back at Catra.

"...What?" She asked, raising an eyebrow and looking back at them.

"It's... Nothing. You just seem... Different."

"Well I did have my hair cut, if that's what you're asking." Catra replied sarcastically, folding her arms.

A noise came from Rogelio - It was almost like a laugh.

"You... Never used to make jokes like that... Or ever, actually." Kyle stated. His head tilted slightly, his eyebrow raised, his lips slightly curled. "It's... Weird. But it's also kind of... Nice?"

"...Am I seriously that different?"

Catra dropped her sarcasm and awkwardness, and looked at the two of her former squadmates head on. Such an action alone back in the Fright Zone would have earned her still expressions and salutes. Now she didn't exude that authoritativeness.

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