Chapter V.

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By this time it was barely past the middle of June, and the next day followed as quietly and uneventfully as the last, however, the group had finally found a good source of activity; or at least, the girls did.

"You know, I'm surprised the beach is so empty at this time of year," Lo spoke as she set her gaze on the shore, the only thing resting on its surface being scattered stones and a group of seagulls patrolling the water's edge.

"As unlikely as it is, I'm glad for it, at least we'll have our privacy." Miyo shared, and both Selah and Lo nodded at her remark as they laid out their towels a few meters away from the water, still close enough to feel the light ocean breeze.

"By the way, Miyo, I was curious about what you had said to Leo last week." Selah started as she put on her sunglasses, adjusting them on her face for a few seconds as she waited for Miyo's response.

"It wasn't anything important, I just told him thanks for what he did at the party, and that he didn't have to apologize for what had happened." She explained in her signature soft voice as the wind blew her short brown hair her out of her face, the red mark on her cheek finally having disappeared over the last few days.

"Honestly, Miyo, you're far too sweet. I would have at least tried to get an apology out of them for all the trouble, but I suppose it's only fair seeing as they weren't the actual offenders. Hell, if I didn't know any better, I'd say Leo has a thing for you." Miyo's cheeks grew pink as Lo teased her, which made Selah let out a small laugh at her reaction.

"Whatever, I'm sure you're wrong," Miyo stood up as she untied her swimsuit wrap, along with taking off her sandals and resting them on her towel. "Are you guys coming or not?" She questioned shortly after, gesturing to the water as the two nodded their heads and followed her to the water's edge.

Indeed, it was the perfect day to be at the beach: with just the right amount of sunlight and hardly anyone nearby, it couldn't have been any better for them. Once in the water, the three spent their time lounging in the clear, blue waters and searching for shells and stones beneath the water's surface. After some time had passed, they had drifted a short distance away from their original spot, which would soon open their eyes to a new, curious area on the beach.

"Hey, do you guys see that spot near the bank? It looks the water's draining off into some sort of pool." Selah began as she pointed to an area a few feet away from where they were in the water. From what they could see, it appeared to be a sandy path that connected the water's edge to an open rock formation, where the water then collected in a shallow hole.

"I've never seen that before, I suppose we've never gone this far on the beach," Lo added, moving forward slightly in an attempt to get a better look.

"Do you guys want to check it out? Who knows, maybe it could be a new hangout for us." Miyo suggested, and after taking a quick glance along the shoreline before stepping out of the water, the girls headed straight for the rock.

To their surprise, the tunnel was much bigger than it had initially seemed, since the small pool of water at the front was only about two feet wide. Apart from being dark in some areas and mildly wet in others, the tunnel proved to be a decent spot; its most appealing attribute being its seclusion.

"You know, I think we just found our new favorite spot on the beach, but the question is: should we tell the guys about it?" Lo started with a smirk.

"I say why not, and since we haven't had a group-wide meetup in a while, I think we should have one right here tonight," Selah said as they all walked out of the damp, rocky structure.

"I like that idea, but what would we do? It'd be too late to go out for a swim, and definitely too late to bring any food with us." Miyo answered, and for a few seconds, the three were silent as they headed back to their original spot on the beach, pondering her question.

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