Chapter VI.

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Just a few days later, the summer was nearing its peak, as the bright orange rays began seeping into the late evening of each passing day. With the end of the month coming closer, time seemed as though it was beginning to move faster; which for the group, was a good and bad thing.

Although, at the moment, it was the worst for Lo.

For her, being an only child had two perks: unlimited attention and privacy. However, at the end of the day, these two things meant nothing when it came down to always having someone to talk to, who she didn't have to walk down the street to see. Lucky for her, it was only a matter of time before her favorite neighbor would arrive at her door, and unannounced, at that.

Within that moment, a knock at the door roused her from her window seat, as she, overwhelmed with boredom, unwillingly made her way downstairs to answer it.

Who could that be? I didn't invite anyone over, and Lola rarely invites anyone, she thought to herself, before stopping halfway down the stairs as her eyes turned to the door, to which her step-mother had already opened.

"Lo, won't you come downstairs? It seems like you have a visitor," said her step-mother, gesturing to the tall, red-headed guy standing in the door frame.

Finn! Yes, just who I needed to see, she thought as she made her way down the last few steps and greeted him with a hug, savoring their short embrace as she picked up a smell of cologne from his shirt.

"It's a good thing you came by, Lo was in need of something to do with herself. Tell me, are you two dating?" Lola questioned, and immediately the two broke away as Lo's cheeks grew bright pink.

"Actually, I'm just a good friend of Lo's, my name is Finn, and it's a pleasure to meet you." Finn swiftly yet smoothly took over as he extended his hand to Lola, and the two shook hands as Lo remained in shock, at both her step-mother's question and Finn's quick response.

"Just a good friend"? As in no more than a friend? In her mind, his words didn't sound as nice as she would have hoped, even though she couldn't say she was surprised by them. She quickly diffused the thought altogether, dismissing it as her overreacting to a meaningless response.

"Oh, forgive me. Well then, I'll leave you two alone." Her step-mother stifled a laugh as she walked away, and Lo was just about to tell her off before Finn gently grabbed her arm to stop her.

"Don't bother, I'm sure she didn't mean anything by it." He said lightly as he released his grip on her arm, leading her outside as Lo closed the door behind them.

"I suppose, but nevermind that, what are you doing here?" She asked.

"I was just taking a walk around the neighborhood for a bit, and figured that I should bring you along for company." He explained as the two made their way onto the sidewalk, and the thought of him coming to her first made her feel better about his previous words.

"Okay, and to what do I owe the honor of your visit? You must have something you want to talk about while I'm here."

"No, not unless you have something on your mind, we can talk about whatever you'd like." He said with a smirk as his hands slipped into his pockets, and Lo quietly pondered what topic she should bring to the discussion, when an idea came to her mind.

"I want to know who you have feelings for." She said bluntly, as Finn uttered an unsurprised sigh.

"How did I know that would be the first thing you would ask? I'm sorry, but you're not getting anything out of me."

"Please Finn, could you at least give me a hint? I promise I won't mention it to anyone else." She said in a soft voice as she shaped her lips into a pout, as well as tilting her head slightly as she gazed at him.

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