Chapter XIII.

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Just a few days later, tensions ran high in the group, seeing as Lo and Selah's most recent disputes remained unresolved, as well as Finn choosing to face neither of them over the issue. Fortunately enough, however, two members of the group had managed to keep themselves out of the fire: Miyo and Leo.

Still, it is hard to support one's friend without directly involving oneself in their plight.

"I can't believe her, it's been nearly two weeks since we came back from New York, I didn't think she would let this bother her for so long," began Finn, scrolling through a collection of his unanswered messages to Lo on his phone.

"I know it seems harsh, but you have to understand where she's coming from; this didn't just start bothering her a few weeks ago. This has been on her mind for months, maybe even years, which seems more likely in this case." Leo answered.

"Besides, saying you're sorry or that you feel bad for her isn't going to get her attention, especially since you don't have anything to apologize for. What you need to do is figure out something that is guaranteed to make her listen to you that doesn't upset her further. Can you really not think of anything to say?" He continued, and quietly Finn laid back on the couch as he lifted his eyes away from his phone and to the ceiling of the room, thinking intently on what could be done.

Just then, the words of the girls' conversation the night they had gone to the show returned to his mind.

In silence, he lowered his head once again, ashamed of what he had just remembered.

"What? Did you think of something?" Leo questioned.

"I just remembered something: when we had just come back from the show that night, the girls began to argue, and I overheard the entire thing." Finn started, and Leo's expression dramatically changed as his eyes widened at Finn's remark.

"What Lo said, it finally helped me to understand where I had gone wrong. It wasn't the fact that I chose Selah over her that had hurt her; it was that I chose someone who knew me less than she did."

With a loud sigh, Leo lowered his gaze as well.

"Why didn't you say this sooner? If you had only gone to her when we just got back from the trip, she could have been over this by now. Instead, you've ended up roping Miyo and me into this mess." Leo muttered in a mildly insensitive tone, to which Finn did not take kindly to.

"That's all that matters to you? Not getting involved in your friends' problems, even if it could completely ruin their relationship?" said Finn, and for a moment, Leo reflected on what he had said seconds before.

"Look, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say it like that. Of course I want to help you with this, but you have to do this on your own. I can give you advice, but at the end of the day, this is between you and Lo, and I guess now Selah." Leo answered, and the two of them stood up as they walked out of the room, heading towards the front door in the foyer as Leo began to lace up his shoes.

"It's okay, and you're right. I've been delaying handling this for too long now, and it's started to weigh down on you guys, which isn't fair. I'm going to talk Lo about it once the tension between her and Selah cools down. Hopefully by then, she won't let this make a gap in our relationship anymore. For years, she's been one of my closest friends, and she doesn't deserve this, especially not from me." agreed Finn.

"I hope so too. Well then, I'll see you later." Leo nodded as he and Finn bumped fists, before opening the door and stepping outside, walking a short distance away before Finn closed it behind him.

From there, he hopped into his car and headed down the street, driving straight to Miyo's house.

"She better be here," He muttered under his breath once he arrived at her apartment, pushing the button next to her apartment number on the list in the lobby as he waited for an answer.

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