Chapter VIII.

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"Guys, what time is it?" Selah turned in her bed as she glanced at Lo and Miyo, to which Lo was still asleep.

"It's almost half-past eight, and breakfast is served at nine. We should get up now," Miyo replied as she sat up in her bed, and Selah gestured to Lo as Miyo grabbed a pillow from beside her, pausing for a few seconds to align her aim before launching the pillow at Lo's head, instantly causing her to awaken from her sleep in a frenzy.

"What in the, who the hell did that?" She pushed the pillow out of her face and threw it onto the ground, and Miyo and Selah erupted in laughter as Lo muttered obscenities under her breath.

"We're getting ready, I'm calling room service to bring breakfast up here at nine, so make sure you're all done getting dressed by then." Selah explained as she stood up from her bed, pulling out the two braids in her hair as she let her black, curly hair fall over her dark shoulders.

"Miyo, since your in such a playful mood, how about you go sneak into the boys' room and give them the same treatment you gave me?" Lo suggested with a smirk as she rose from her bed as well, walking over to her suitcase as she took out a set of clothes for the day.

"Sure thing, care to join me, Selah? I'll take Leo, and you can take Finn." Miyo chimed, and Selah eagerly accepted as the two walked over to the door that joined their suites, quietly cracking it open as they slipped through it with their pillows in hand.

Within moments, the shouts of both Leo and Finn could be heard from the other room as Selah and Miyo bombarded them with their pillows; a rude awakening if ever there was one.

Mission successful, Lo thought to herself as she took her things to the bathroom, closing the door behind her and turning on the shower to get ready whilst she was alone.

Nearly half an hour later, all three of them were dressed and out of the shower, as Lo stood brushing her hair in front of a vanity in the room whilst Miyo and Selah sat on their beds watching the TV.

"Are the guys taking their breakfast up here as well, or are they eating downstairs?" Lo asked, fluffing her long, blonde hair as she set her brush upon the vanity table.

"I'm pretty sure they're heading downstairs, Leo said he wanted to see if they had anything in the gift shop for his little sister," Miyo explained.

"Speaking of the boys, last night I was thinking of that game of Truth or Dare we played a while back, and I remembered something: that Finn apparently likes someone." Selah recounted the event with a curious look on her face, and Lo could feel her heart drop within her chest as she paused to take a breath.

Why would Selah be thinking about that? Could she have asked Finn about it as well? There's no way he would have told her anything about it, unless, no; that can't be possible. Yet again, Lo found herself lost in her thoughts, before something Miyo said brought her back to the conversation of the moment.

"Who do you think it could be? Besides us, I don't know of any girls who Finn would be so close to that he would have feelings for, and I can't imagine him having feelings for any of us." were Miyo's next words.

Easy for you to say, you're among the two of us who fit the criteria of the person he described, Lo thought to herself.

"Whoever it is, they must be someone good. Even though he may seem like it at a first impression, Finn is definitely no player," said Selah, to which they all silently agreed.

"Well, if we're all done here, Selah, you can go ahead and order our breakfast now, then when we're done we can meet the boys downstairs," Lo spoke at last, and Selah nodded as she picked up the phone on her nightstand and dialed the number for room service, as Miyo and Lo began looking through the menu to decide what to have.

By around ten, they had all finished their food, as the three of them moved around their room and gathered everything they would need for their time around the city, whilst the boys awaited them downstairs.

"Where did I put my headphones last night? They have to be somewhere around here." Miyo muttered in a low voice as she checked the nightstand next to the couch, opening the top drawer to resume her search before a cluster of thin papers caught her attention.

What's this? She wondered as she pulled them out of the drawer, and after looking at them for a few moments she had realized exactly what they were: five tickets to a show that night.

"Guys, look what I just found in this drawer." She stated, and both Selah and Lo walked over to see as she handed them the tickets.

"It looks like the previous guests in this suite left their tickets, such a shame too. They're for some show on Broadway," explained Selah.

"Nevermind that, we just found five tickets to a Broadway show, we have to go!" Lo cheered as she took the tickets into her own hands. "We don't have any major plans for today, and the show lasts two hours, I think we should do it!"

"Are you sure? What if the guests come back, and ask to see the room to find their stuff? This is considered stealing after all." Miyo interjected.

"Oh please, hotels don't allow you to go back to your room once you've checked out, even if you've forgotten something important. Besides, if they're reckless enough to leave tickets to a show like this in their hotel room, they don't deserve to have them," said Lo.

"I think we should go, but just to be sure, let's ask the boys about it when we get downstairs," Selah suggested as she turned to the door, and with all their things in hand the three left their room and headed down the hallway towards the elevator.

Once in the main lobby, the five of them gathered in the lounging area, talking over the idea of whether they would go to the show that night or not.

"Hold on, you think we can just go to this show without anyone suspecting that these tickets aren't ours? They could have someone's name on them." Leo started, and Lo handed him one of the tickets before she began her answer.

"Look at them, these aren't personalized tickets, meaning they don't have any names or phone numbers on them. All they have is a ticket and seating number." She explained.

"I looked up the show online. It seems interesting, and it has good reviews too. Plus, at least it will give us something to do for the night." Selah added.

"Let's take a vote, all in favor of going to the show, raise your hand." Finn began, and all of their hands rose from their sides except Miyo's, to which Lo took Miyo's hand into hers and lifted it for her.

"Fine, I'll do it, but if the people who left their tickets come to the hotel to ask about them, I'm blaming you guys." She uttered reluctantly, and with a small cheer the group made their way out of the hotel and onto the sidewalk before them, heading down the busy block to explore the vast city that lay ahead of them. 

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