Chapter XV.

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The very next week, the ominous silence between the group lingered on into the third month of summer, as the time for them to part ways and to head off to their different schools was steadily approaching. As agreed, Lo and Finn kept their distance from each other, and as much as this decision may have seemed unfavorable, this simple act on their part allowed for easier communication between the rest of the group.

Now that Lo was out of the way, it was time for Finn to face his next challenge: talking to Selah.

Leaning her bicycle up against a nearby tree, Selah sank into the soft, lush earth of the park, rolling down the sleeves of her shirt as she kept her eyes out for Finn.

A few minutes later, his car rolled up to the sidewalk, before shutting off as he stepped out and made his way through the park entrance. With a quick wave, she managed to signal him to accompany her at the tree, before standing up to greet him once he made his way over.

"How have you been?" he began once he took a seat with her in the grass. "I know we've talked a bit over the phone, but I'm still sorry that you and I haven't had the time to meet face to face."

"I've been fine, you don't have to worry about me. Besides, we all know what you've had to deal with for the past few weeks, or rather, who you've had to deal with," remarked Selah, and although Finn knew that what she was saying true, something about her tone didn't sit right with him.

"I know it seems selfish, but you have to admit that Lo's been taking this really hard. It may not seem like something that big to you, but as her friend, you should try to understand that." Finn answered in Lo's defense.

"Please, after our last few conversations with each other, I doubt she even still wants me to be her friend, let alone still sees me as one." Selah's voice sounded nearly as cynical as Lo's as she spoke, discouraging Finn as much as one would have imagined.

"In fact, the last thing I said to her was the worst thing I could have said at that moment, and I'm certain that she hates me for it," she continued.

"You called her shallow," muttered Finn.

"What was that?"

"I said you called her shallow, didn't you?" He said again, and upon hearing this, Selah sat up straight as her eyes widened.

"Wait, how did you know?" She questioned, her voice showing just how stunned she was.

"I know because last week, I went to talk to her about this whole mess, and I made the same mistake. Understandably, she told me of how you had called her the same thing a few weeks before, but that wasn't even the worst of it," began Finn, and Selah kept her gaze focused on him as she waited for his next words.

"After I said it, she laughed and said, "I guess it only makes sense for a future couple to see eye to eye from the start, now doesn't it?"

With these words, the conversation came to a brief pause, one which only made sense when talking about such topics. However, within a few seconds, Selah resumed the exchange.

"Finn, I've been doing a lot of thinking over these past few weeks, and what I've realized is that, although it never felt like it at first, I actually do have feelings for you." Selah started, pulling her legs up to her chest as she reclined on the tree.

"But, I need to know for sure if you're willing to start a relationship with me, and I don't mean because of the commitment. I mean that you'll have to accept the fact that in dating me, you could be upsetting Lo in some way or another."

"You don't have to worry about Lo anymore, believe it or not, she told me she's fine with whatever we choose to do, and that she'll support us in anything," Finn answered, and although her reaction to his words seemed skeptical, she believed him entirely in what he said.

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