Chapter XVI.

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"You know, I've really missed this," said Miyo as she unstrapped her sandals, digging her feet into the warm sand of the beach as Leo pushed her hair out of her face.

"Missed what?" He asked.

"The five of us getting together like this as a group. It's been weeks since we had plans for all of us to see each other, but now that things have finally gone back to normal, I feel at peace here." She explained, and Leo nodded in agreement at her remark.

"I almost can't believe that things worked out so well. It's good that Lo was able to get over this, and I'm happy for Finn and Selah as well," he added shortly after.

"I am, too. However, there's still one thing on my mind that's been bothering me ever since I found out about them." Miyo began, and Leo shot her a glance to continue.

"It's just that, everyone in the group except Lo is now in a relationship. I mean, no one knows about us just yet, but once it all comes out, don't you think Lo's going to feel upset?" She questioned, her eyes only meeting his gaze when her last few words were spoken.

"If by upset, do you mean jealous?" Leo answered with another question, though Miyo could tell he wasn't being entirely serious.

"The last thing I want to happen is for her to feel left in the dark, because I'm sure the fact that you and I became a couple around the same time as Finn and Selah is going to make her feel like she's been forgotten." Miyo wiped the sand off of her top as she spoke, before resting her head on Leo's shoulder and closing her eyes.

"You worry too much about Lo. You have to remember that she's a very independent person, and although it may seem like it at times, she doesn't need anyone's pity," he replied.

"Let's just hope that she comes this time. We need to enjoy these last few weeks we have together as much as possible," said Miyo, opening her eyes to look behind her as she heard a set of footsteps coming in their direction.

"We're here!" Selah called out from a few feet away, before moving towards Miyo and hugging her once she stood from the ground. In a contrasting manner, Finn and Leo merely bumped fists before settling into the sand.

"Well, would you look at that? Funny to see you two sitting so close like this, especially when you're alone," she joked, and within an instant Miyo and Leo quickly separated as the two of them blushed bright pink, remembering their agreement.

"F-Forget about that. Where's Lo? She didn't come with you guys?" Leo began, and as both Selah and Finn turned to each other before answering, the most they could do was shrug.

"I asked her if she wanted to go with us, but she said she'd come on her own. At least, that's what she said an hour ago." Selah explained.

"Besides, I'm sure she wouldn't have wanted to come with us anyways. It probably would have been too uncomfortable for her," Finn added, and just then, they could feel the air around them shift as they all came to the same realization.

"She's not coming." Miyo started in a barely audible whisper.

"What?" asked Selah.

"I was right: she's not coming. There's no way she is."

"Miyo, you don't know th-"

"Yes, I do. She's not coming and she's never going to let this go, because you can't let go of something like this." Miyo's words sounded faint with the approach of tears as she spoke, her legs folded into her chest as she sat in the sand.

"Drop it already, if Lo says she's fine, then that's all we need to know," Leo answered forcefully in an attempt to silence her, but not for long.

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